Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Starting Over

well i have screwed up my life yet again but this isnt one of those times were you can just brush it off but rather one of those learning experiences
it has really opened my eyes to many things because even though i have made such a huge mistake the one thing that i can count on is people to be there to support me
i may have wronged them in multiple ways and hurt them, but in the end i know that they will have my back because they care about me that much
others will say that it is the influence that my friends have on me that led me astray, but i beg to differ because although it is true that they have some impact they too are lost just like i am
they are not to blame for any actions that i take willingly because we are all in this together not matter wat
so i will never abandon my friends because they are a part of who i have become even if they arent the smartest or the safest...i love them like brothers
even if they screw up ill be there to catch them as they will do the same for me...
and if we all screw up then its all of our jobs to look at each other and figure out that wat we are doing at that time isnt the best life choice and that we need to change something immediately or else the consequences of our actions will become increasingly more dramatic
so all i have to say is that if you make a mistake then pick yourself up, look around at those that will stand by your side and keep moving forward because there is always something there whether it be big or small

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