Wednesday, August 10, 2011

if there is ever such a thing...

sometimes i just wish that for one day my life could be like a movie
im not talking about the super unrealistic type of movie where ill be out in space or in a different dimension with super powers and shit
is it too much to ask to have that one perfect day in your life were things just seem to stand still and you can savor each moment of that day
i dont want everything in this day to be perfect because life isnt perfect, i want the regular stuff to happen but still have the greatest day of my life
i want that one day were i run into some amazingly cute girl walking along and by coincedence we happen to do something or say something that will fate us together forever
i dont want this day to last forever, but merely feel like it lasts forever
we will do all the things that people who have met for the first time do: talk about us, tell jokes,share a meal together, talk about the future, have a few drinks, and all that other stuff
im not asking to meet the girl of my dreams or ask her to marry me
all im asking for is one day.
one day that i will never forget, one day that i can tell everyone about, one day that only me and her would cherish, just one day

i just want one day

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