Monday, February 25, 2013

Who knows

Alright so far this semester of school has been pretty good to me, let's just hope it lasts.
Been doing good in school our at last I think I am haha
Have some good friends and shit has been looking up, still haven't found a new job but that's on me.
Been too lazy to go out and look for a new one, but I will get one soon cause I miss having money that's mine.
Love being 21 cause it's awesome. Going out to bars and not worrying about getting caught drinking underage, it's the best feeling in the world.
I missed being on an actual campus because pima it's nothing compared to a university. There's girls every where all the time!
I'm just glad that I was able to get my life back together after all the stuff I had been through. It's been tough but I did it.
Shout out to my bestfriend Vanesa cause she is the best, she may claim I help her more than she helps me but that's a lie.
She doors so much for me and is always looking out for me no matter what:)
idk what else to tell you guys other than this is starting to look like my life is getting into a good place and I like it.
I'm always talking about the next big thing I'm going to do, but the only thing left to do is just to keep on living.
Nothing is going to get in my way or slow me down, I just have to take everything one step at a time and try not to fuck everything up again!

Oh well, see you ladies later cause I have class and then it's whatever happens after that.
Until next time, keep  praising me as your fearless leader ;)

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