Wednesday, September 8, 2010


among all the changes ive been through and all the new things ive been exposed to not much has changed within myself
sure i would like to say that i am a bit more open to new things but i really want to be able to get out in the world and do something totally new
i wish i could actually walk up to a girl and start a legitament conversation with her and not be nervous of messing up or that she will turn me down
i know it sounds really dumb but it is a serious thing that i go through with overthinking everything still
not as much as before but still doing it sucks
oh well hopefully the people around me will see my i just realized by writing this that if i have a problem i cant be afraid to ask for help from those close to me
and i have to stop being such a romantic and just be happy to be with a girl right
i mean sure its fun to be all cute and stuff but in the end do you think a girl ultimately wants a cute guy or someone with a little more impulse and spark.
one day i will find that guy in myself but until then im just gonna keep tryin to one-up myself from the last time and see how that does for me haha

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