Tuesday, February 22, 2011

this is fun

well its been a while hasnt it
ok well so far my life isnt too bad right now. i mean i have some good friends and stuff..school isnt too bad either
so all in all id say that things are pretty good

anyways i just wanted to put my feelings out there for all you punks who actually read this stuff :P
ok so anyone that really knows me, knows that im like a super sensitive guy that acts like an asshole cause its fun to do :)
yea being an asshole is an art and im pretty sure ive got a good handle on it because everyone either assumes im an asshole or just know im an asshole
while on the inside im just this little sensitive guy that is kinda shy to talk to girls and loves watching love movies and always wants to cuddle
yea thats right i said it!
i like to cuddle because its just so much fun and warm:)
ok well thats a little of me so hope you enjoyed it and keep reading my shit because it makes me excited!

PS. dont ever watch the roommate because that movie sucks so much dick that it makes crack heads look like saints!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

im happy!

well when i came back in december to winter break i had forgotten my black ops with my friend ryan. so i had to wait all winter for him to give it back. so since i didnt go back to ASU he had to mail it. well its been like 3 weeks since he mailed it and it never got here...so i went out and bought a new used one so that i could play again!
also i got the FIRST STRIKE map pack that went with it so that made me very happy :)
so now that i had it i was well on my way to the first prestige mode!
over superbowl sunday i spent most of the day playing trying to make it to 50 from 42. it was pretty intense but i managed to do it. so i finally prestiged and the next day i played again...this time i went from lvl 1 to 20 in one day...now i know wat your thinking and thats i dont have a life.
this is pretty true since i cant go out on the weekends, my homework is super easy, and i have no friends to kick it with all the time...all i do is play
so now im just happy that i have something to do cause its better than just sitting here on my computer :P
well if you play hit me up and add me on xbox live!
xMindlessProx <-----gamertag

black ops Pictures, Images and Photos
Call of Duty Black Ops Pictures, Images and Photos
Black ops Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


yea so many of you know that i strongly oppose catholicism and many other forms of religion
so i just wanted to talk about it cause i have nothing better to do with my time
well anyways...religions are narrow-minded manipulative organizations that feed their masses lies about the past and how people should live their lives
some people may argue that religion helps make them a better person but i beg to differ because these so called morals that religion teaches can be learned by doing everyday reminal tasks
every religion claims to be the right one and some say that they can peacefully co-exist with others when in reality that is not true
religion isnt a hypothetical question in which there is no answer.
there is one defined answer and that there is no religion.
the way i see it, is that they created it to gather a large group of people with similar outlooks on life and made them do these rituals to make them feel better about themselves and somehow that escalated to people preaching
and as for these so called gods? really? how many fucking gods do people think there are out there?

as for my hate of catholicism...they preach as if they are the one sole religion that should be followed because they spread the words that were passed down throughout the centuries
when in fact it is one of the youngest religions to date that is widely followed
thats like saying itunes is the creator of music.

now i know some people feel differently about this and say that religion is a key factor in their lives and im not going to say that its wrong for them. i will criticize but not hate. they have a choice to do watever they please so let them follow a false belief. religion is also just something that people turn to so that they can feel better about the wrong things they have done because they believe that if they tell someone all the wrongs they have done that they will magically go away.

if you want to talk shit to me, agree with me, change anything i said, try to kill me, praise me, or just write something stupid....go for it

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


dear tuesdays please stop being such a bitch!
i really wish that either all my classes were at west or the one class i need to go to today was earlier. regardless it really sucks that i have to spend all day at school when i really dont have to.
yea i should be learning something while im here but i feel that if im going to be at school all the time i should be doing something thats a little more fun right.
oh well i write on here all the time and most of wat i say doesnt reach the real world but i really dont care cause it doesnt take that long to write all of this for the few that read.
so i guess i have nothing more to say to you tuesdays...besides i wish you were wednesdays!