Monday, July 22, 2013

first time for everything

i recently went to vegas for the first time and it wasnt anything like i expected
i ended up going with my dad and my sister. im 21 but my sister isnt!
really didnt get to do any of the crazy fun stuff everyone usually does in vegas
i did get to walk around a bunch of casinos and drink outside.
it wasnt all bad, played some slots and even won $12
i mean its a koo place to go if you are going with friends that share the same
interests as you, otherwise you will end up getting bored real quick like i did
i guess its not all fair because im not much of a site seer so i dont like to
just walk around and look at all the shit.
at least there were plenty of places to go eat and shit while we were there
now im really looking forward to going back with some friends and actually
doing something really fun in vegas. drinks at the pool, clubbing, see some shows
who knows what it will be like next time, but it cant get any worse!

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