Tuesday, August 13, 2013

the things you think you deserve

most people take a few things for granted and one of those are friends
i was one of these people because i thought my friends would always be there
ive been proven wrong on this one so many times
all of my friends come and go so i shouldnt be surprised
the worst part about this is that i invest so much time and energy into
these friendships that i have nothing to show for it when they ditch me
friends always say that something changed, its true. they didnt want to hang out
with you anymore but they just dont want to tell you
we all have our reasons for leaving because ive done it as well but it always sucks
looks like i cant keep bitching about it because its just going to just keep
happening and we just have to let it take its course.
just once id like someone to tell me straight up that they dont want to be my friend
i hate when someone keeps giving excuses for not hanging out and it goes on
for months or even years before it finally sinks in.

all i have to say is cherish your friendships because they are short lived, well some,
and you have to enjoy that time with those people.
otherwise we would all just be sulking around everywhere not wanting to interact
with people for fear they will eventually leave you as well.
friends are like food, most of the time theyre good but sooner or later there
wont be any left but it was always worth meal

half of this doesnt make sense but fuck it!!

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