Thursday, August 29, 2013

here we go again, school

what can i talk about today?
school has started again and its still uneventful so far
hopefully something good happens in the near future
but i dont want to get into any more trouble than i already have\
in the past and sorta recent past.
looking forward to job hunting i guess, tired of being broke again
it really isnt fun and i dont get to do most of the things i like to do
like go out and hit up the bars with my friends.
Oh and another thing, being that im a little behind in my classes
(im like a junior or something) i feel a little old in my classes
all these kids in my classes are like seniors and not even 21
im over here about to turn 22 and these kids are talking about 19th
birthdays and stuff. i know im not much older but still thats too crazy.
aside from that most of the people in my classes seem like alright people
i just want to be like, lets all go out for drinks and bond or whatever
guess thats out of the question right? haha
well thats enough ranting or whatever you want to call this for one day
ill let you guys get back to your exciting lives and stop worrying about mine

later guys!!

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