Sunday, June 6, 2010

so much change

well its only been like 2 weeks since graduation and already soo much has changed and idk if its a bad thing or a good thing
everything from high school has already been thrown out and we are all new people
i swear people are getting jobs, going on trips, moving away...its all very unreal but at the same time we knew it was going to happen

lets see so many of my friends are getting jobs cause they need to pay for school or they just want extra cash..i applaud them either way because they are doing wat they need to do to get wat they want
already people have gone on trips to wherever they want to go because its their one chance to go..ive seen people go to mexico, spain and just everywhere.
people are even moving like my friend grecia is going away to live in LA...and the sadest part of all this change is that i have said goodbye to my best friend...

no he hasnt died but it might as well have been because hes not with us anymore..some people may say im gay or just over reacting but fuck em cause it feels like ive also lost a part of myself.
i know that 4 years isnt much time in life but i managed to make a true friend in that short amount of time that i will never forget. his name is ricky provencio and im glad to say that he is my bestfriend. i swear me and him have been through so much in these past 4 years and its hard to believe that he is already gone. i remember freshman year i met him and i fucking hated him cause i thought he was an asshole but then i came to realize that this asshole could be my friend...from then on everyone knew that if we were together that shit was going down. it was hard enough having him move schools but not as hard as seeing him leave this time. in this past year we have grown so much cause we have been so close. this kid owes me his life but there is still no way to repay him for helping me become the person i am today. all the countless times we went partying, just kicked it, argued, and everything in between has been a blessing. most people cant say that they have had a true friend like this..well fuck everyone cause this nigga was one of a kind..and people will cry (like chris) and say they have been bestfriends with ricky from the 1st grade but fuck it..nigga imma miss you and im not scared to say i love you.
hopefully this wasnt the last time i will see you and looking forward to how its going to be in the future.

change is bittersweet because even though we are sad about the things that have happened there is always something new to look forward to

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