Tuesday, June 1, 2010

wat do you do next?

well let me tell you a little something about life...
thats right i still dont know anything new but its ok cause im ready to learn something haha
anyways this past week has been way too amazing for me to even put into words
lets see it began by hanging out with my great group of friends from school who i love to death cause these guys are fucking awesome even if no one else sees it in them..thats right im talking about chivo, natcho, hector, victor, ben, alex, jesus and chin. you guys are the best and i wont ever forget you..plus there are going to be more fun days ahead of us.
then it was graduation night on wednesday which was unbelieveable! then began the great week of partying with all my friends which was too much fun.
i love how my parents let me be myself now and let me do the things i want to:)
well wednesday hung out with a bunch of friends including most of the people i wanted to see that night, then thursday kicked it at annamaries with: frank, esau, hillary, janelle, ney, liz and her bf, on friday went out to the movies with the gang and saw blanka before going out, saturday we hung out with natcho at his party and then chilled at gregs, sunday was fun cause i had my little get together then went to nicoles little party and from there kinda just kicked it at home with the family and didnt even sleep until 9 this morning which was awsome cause i just woke up at 6 and had a bro day with ricky...muthafucka imma miss you!

if i had this much fun in a week imagine the fun im going to have with the rest of my life. so if anyone asks me what am i going to do with my life..im going to tell them idk and im going to have fun doing it haha
all i can offer people that are looking for an answer to what they are going to do next is just have fun doing it.
if you dont enjoy it then change it, if possible.
now lets all go out there and have fun because i think thats wat life is all about is having fun with the people you want to have fun with! :)
Friends Pictures, Images and Photos

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