Tuesday, June 22, 2010


well i know ive written so many posts about women and most of the time i never know wat it is that im talking about but i dont care cause its my blog :P

anyways i was thinking to myself the other day...this may not make any sense cause it was in my head but im going to try my best to express it into words
so to start off wat is the point in having a girlfriend/boyfriend?
well most people will say because they like that person or even love that person
but let me ask you this...isnt the ultimate goal of liking someone to find that one person that you will love forever and possibly have children with?
please dont get me wrong im not saying that you only need one person in your life..but people dont involve yourself in the drama of classifing boyfriends and girlfriends because sure its fun but it can turn itself into a giant mess

all of wat i just said above doesnt mean that you cant be with someone but dont make it more serious than it is. i know i am probably the person with the little experience but my mind knows more than i know it does! so if you ever wanted to listen to someone that didnt know wat they were talking about like most people already do (hint) then listen to me.
it may seem i never know wat im talkin about, i may even change my mind, but that doesnt mean that everythign i say isnt true.
just think about wat i have said cause if you are one of the few people that ever reads wat i write then you may see that there is truth in insanity.

and if you disagree with me please correct me cause i rarely know wat i am talking about

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