Friday, July 2, 2010

Leaving the Nest

well the time is quickly approaching when i have to leave everything that i know and try to start a new life in college.
sure it may be a little overwhelming at first and hard to leave it all behind but i feel confident that i am able to adapt to my new life
i feel no regrets about leaving Tucson or anything here because i know it will all still be here when come back..whenever that is
im going to miss my friends because they are the ones i grew up with but i cant have them holding me down..i love them
i want to leave home because i am one of those people that learns from the real experience so its better to just cut ties and do things on my own
not to say im not grateful for everything that has happened in my life up to this point because it all taught me the important things in life
i will never forget all the memories i have made before this..the good and the bad
never forget all those girls i have chased, all the friends that have come and gone, all the places ive been, and all those countless moments that are just one of a kind
now even though my entire life is here i know i will succeed over at ASU because i am ready to enjoy all that it has to offer.
plenty of girls to chase, more friends to make, many places to see, and numberless moments to be had

so i leave you with this...
up until this point remember your whole life...think of a path that will completely change what you have done with your life so far and take it because life is about taking risks
you may feel regret, remorse, and reprive but in the end you can always say that you did it and no one can take that away from you
so make the most of life because the only thing holding you back is time!
light at the end of the tunnel Pictures, Images and Photos

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