Wednesday, July 7, 2010

my own trap...the mind

lately ive been feeling lost in my mind and idk why
i have seemed to seperate myself from the world except for my close friends
i had plans to get out and enjoy life but for some reason i cant seem to bring myself back to reality and out of my mind
idk if i am feeling lonely because i dont have anyone with an emotional connection to turn to or if im just feeling overwhelmed by the insignificance that i am compared to the world
all of this has pushed me back into my head like i used to be
none of this is good and its affecting my life even if most dont know it
i really dont want to go out and socialize because although i know it will be for fun a part of me is sayin...why go out and meet new people and create memories that will only fall apart and fade quickly.
and for the feeling lonely part im at a loss for thoughts because my heart is longing for some emotion but my mind is telling me that it is not worth it right now
me as a person is caught in the middle because i want someone to be there for me but i dont want to hurt them or me since i wont be here long
my mind is an elusive trap which i have fallen victim to and the only way out is to do what i have to
i have said that i am a complex individual and people may agree or say that i am easy to read...i really dont care how people see me because i am who i am
i would say that i wish things were back to the way they were...if you are reading this....but i cant keep kidding myself because the only reason that im thinking that is because im feeling alone right now
things happen reason or not but we have to deal with the outcome and keep looking forward. the past can only teach us one things...mistakes!
you may ask why i only said mistakes and not successes...well that is because we can always learn from mistakes but we can never follow in someones success because we must make our own success.
live, learn, love

our mind is a dangerous tool which can help us or hurt us
dont ever take it for granted and dont always listen to it because you also have a heart...

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