Thursday, July 29, 2010

a passion of mine

well as many of you that read my blog already know that i love movies! :)
so i have done some thinking and i have come to a conclusion that i want to do something with movies in the know like write them, direct them, or even do screenplays
i have always been into movies ever since i was little. i hate reading because sure you can imagine watever it is that you are reading in your head but im more of a visual are most people
so movies have been a way to visualize many spectacular things..they also allow us to do many creactive and seemingly impossible things
the great thing about movies is that there is no limit or boundaries if you want to create a great movie
i really dont care about all the money that there is to be made in movies but rather being acknowledged for creating a great work of art
most people will tell you that they can make a movie and its so easy..well i beg to differ
sure someone will have a great idaea but can they run with it..probably not
see the only way to make a good movie is to keep the watcher guessing wat is going to happen next but connect everything together from the beginning.
many movies now a days are so easy to understand..i have a bad habit of analyzing movies so i can tell you wat is going to happen next even if i havent seen the movie yet..i blame my sophomore english teacher Ms. Wilson!!!!
but also thanks cause that has allowed me to see how great movies are made
so i believe that i have the ability to have a future in the film industry...but as of right now i still have a lot of work to do because making a movie is very difficult, especially if you want it to be one of the greats that people will be qutoing for years to come :)
,c Pictures, Images and Photos

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