Tuesday, June 22, 2010


well i know ive written so many posts about women and most of the time i never know wat it is that im talking about but i dont care cause its my blog :P

anyways i was thinking to myself the other day...this may not make any sense cause it was in my head but im going to try my best to express it into words
so to start off wat is the point in having a girlfriend/boyfriend?
well most people will say because they like that person or even love that person
but let me ask you this...isnt the ultimate goal of liking someone to find that one person that you will love forever and possibly have children with?
please dont get me wrong im not saying that you only need one person in your life..but people dont involve yourself in the drama of classifing boyfriends and girlfriends because sure its fun but it can turn itself into a giant mess

all of wat i just said above doesnt mean that you cant be with someone but dont make it more serious than it is. i know i am probably the person with the little experience but my mind knows more than i know it does! so if you ever wanted to listen to someone that didnt know wat they were talking about like most people already do (hint) then listen to me.
it may seem i never know wat im talkin about, i may even change my mind, but that doesnt mean that everythign i say isnt true.
just think about wat i have said cause if you are one of the few people that ever reads wat i write then you may see that there is truth in insanity.

and if you disagree with me please correct me cause i rarely know wat i am talking about

Monday, June 14, 2010

time for something new

alright so its time for something new
a new chapter of my life is about to begin and its exactly what i need cause ive been so used to the usual stuff and it is irritating me
i just want something exciting to happen
i lost a great friend and he is irreplaceable so i have to make do with that and now i have to deal with getting ready for a new school
while at the same time try not to lose touch with my friends

i want to hurry and leave tucson because i think the longer i stay here the more i will hold myself back from something great
no offense to tucson cause all of my memories are here but i just need something more exciting and fresh
i know i will be scared to get out and try new things but i am just going to have to man up and take the plunge
i feel uncomplete here and i want to go out and find out what it is that im missing
i know that i wont just stubble upon it but i will have to search for it
and along the way i hope i have some good times and meet some great people cause i think life is about finding out what we need to do and have fun with the people that matter along the way
i want something new without giving up all the old
if only life were so simple...

tell me which direction to go and i will forge a path of greatness

Sunday, June 6, 2010

so much change

well its only been like 2 weeks since graduation and already soo much has changed and idk if its a bad thing or a good thing
everything from high school has already been thrown out and we are all new people
i swear people are getting jobs, going on trips, moving away...its all very unreal but at the same time we knew it was going to happen

lets see so many of my friends are getting jobs cause they need to pay for school or they just want extra cash..i applaud them either way because they are doing wat they need to do to get wat they want
already people have gone on trips to wherever they want to go because its their one chance to go..ive seen people go to mexico, spain and just everywhere.
people are even moving like my friend grecia is going away to live in LA...and the sadest part of all this change is that i have said goodbye to my best friend...

no he hasnt died but it might as well have been because hes not with us anymore..some people may say im gay or just over reacting but fuck em cause it feels like ive also lost a part of myself.
i know that 4 years isnt much time in life but i managed to make a true friend in that short amount of time that i will never forget. his name is ricky provencio and im glad to say that he is my bestfriend. i swear me and him have been through so much in these past 4 years and its hard to believe that he is already gone. i remember freshman year i met him and i fucking hated him cause i thought he was an asshole but then i came to realize that this asshole could be my friend...from then on everyone knew that if we were together that shit was going down. it was hard enough having him move schools but not as hard as seeing him leave this time. in this past year we have grown so much cause we have been so close. this kid owes me his life but there is still no way to repay him for helping me become the person i am today. all the countless times we went partying, just kicked it, argued, and everything in between has been a blessing. most people cant say that they have had a true friend like this..well fuck everyone cause this nigga was one of a kind..and people will cry (like chris) and say they have been bestfriends with ricky from the 1st grade but fuck it..nigga imma miss you and im not scared to say i love you.
hopefully this wasnt the last time i will see you and looking forward to how its going to be in the future.

change is bittersweet because even though we are sad about the things that have happened there is always something new to look forward to

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

wat do you do next?

well let me tell you a little something about life...
thats right i still dont know anything new but its ok cause im ready to learn something haha
anyways this past week has been way too amazing for me to even put into words
lets see it began by hanging out with my great group of friends from school who i love to death cause these guys are fucking awesome even if no one else sees it in them..thats right im talking about chivo, natcho, hector, victor, ben, alex, jesus and chin. you guys are the best and i wont ever forget you..plus there are going to be more fun days ahead of us.
then it was graduation night on wednesday which was unbelieveable! then began the great week of partying with all my friends which was too much fun.
i love how my parents let me be myself now and let me do the things i want to:)
well wednesday hung out with a bunch of friends including most of the people i wanted to see that night, then thursday kicked it at annamaries with: frank, esau, hillary, janelle, ney, liz and her bf, on friday went out to the movies with the gang and saw blanka before going out, saturday we hung out with natcho at his party and then chilled at gregs, sunday was fun cause i had my little get together then went to nicoles little party and from there kinda just kicked it at home with the family and didnt even sleep until 9 this morning which was awsome cause i just woke up at 6 and had a bro day with ricky...muthafucka imma miss you!

if i had this much fun in a week imagine the fun im going to have with the rest of my life. so if anyone asks me what am i going to do with my life..im going to tell them idk and im going to have fun doing it haha
all i can offer people that are looking for an answer to what they are going to do next is just have fun doing it.
if you dont enjoy it then change it, if possible.
now lets all go out there and have fun because i think thats wat life is all about is having fun with the people you want to have fun with! :)
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