Monday, November 22, 2010

this is awkward

haha alright soo its been wayyy too long since ive blogged and this is really wierd
i remember the time when i never did anything and all i did was blog...
well i guess its a good thing that i dont do it so much but it makes all you sad i think..
anyways if you are wondering im doing pretty good over here at ASU...having tons of fun with all of my friends and doing wat we do best
we party hard and its the greatest experience ever

sooooo idk really know wat to talk about cause most of the people that actually might read my blog wouldnt understand most of the stuff that i would be saying on here about my new friends cause you dont know them.
well i guess i could tell you the last 2 trips back to tucson were pretty fun to say the least cause i brought some people back and showed them a good time in tucson.
umm well i also recently got a longboard and now im a koo kid that rides a long board all the time
wat else...oh i also destroy most of my free time playing BLACK OPS which is super fun unlike Halo:Reach which let me down....its just like the last halo where all the people that are good online play and you get too frustrated to play so you give up...
yea thats exactly wat i did

well im off so if you read this i hope you had fun and look through the rest of my posts cause some of them are pretty funny....and it makes me happy