Thursday, September 26, 2013

One Too Many Drinks

A mouthful of dirt and a foul smell in the air.
Awaking under the hot sun, the only other awake is the dog,
He keeps at bay. His nose vacuums,
That wretched odor escaping from your pants lingers.
Quickly checking your belonging you discover it,
A warm reminder of that bottle broken beneath
The friend, shirtless and snoring, lying next to the cooler.
Each step, wide legged and slow. No bathroom
Will be able to save you now.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The 11th Hour

Although the movie is a little dated, I still believe that the message that it was trying to convey was very relevant and thoroughly thought out to convince the people of this planet that changes need to be made. We are living on borrowed time because we as humans are increasingly destroying the habitable nature of the planet through our constant need to progress and the throw away culture we have adopted. There are many factors by which this is happening, some of which include; global warming, deforestation, soil erosion, and over population. Many of these problems are directly caused or sped up by human activities, but they can be reduced to a point that there may be a chance to stop or even reverse the effects which could end life as we know it.

Many of the scientists talked about all of these major problems and how they could be affecting the planet as a whole. They went on to state things like the increased temperatures of the planet and even natural disasters could be a result of how we as humans have affected the planet. The rising temperature may not seem very significant, but a rise in one or two degree Fahrenheit of the global climate could be catastrophic and cause massive heat waves or the next ice age. These scientists also discussed the increase in power of natural disasters such as the one in New Orleans with Hurricane Katrina and how a storm such as this could become increasingly normal. Though these two examples and many others can be a result of nature fighting back or a result of something humans may have helped along, they don't only affect humans exclusively, they affect every living thing on this planet.

There are solutions out there to help build a more sustainable future so that we as a species don't go extinct at such a young age. We as a whole planet wide population need to realize the damage we are doing and work towards ways to better our situation, because otherwise its only a short matter of time before we don't have any time. This isnt to say that we drop all of our technology and revert back to the stone age, but learn to utilize our technology to work along with the environment instead of against it. Sustainability is the name of the game and we must learn that if we work as a whole to make this a reality then it will never happen. Everyone has a part to play in this and we can all make a difference.