my room actually feels like my room and my friends are all really close.
i really couldnt ask for anything better, but in fact i could.
the only thing that sucks is that i cant really cook anything...well i never did before but now that im on my own i feel like eating random things now instead of the always junk food.
yea its true im eating now and plenty of different things that i never really ate before.
its true wat they say, college does change you but in a positive way.
i depend on my friends for help sometimes and they ask me for help too
the friends i have made on my floor are amazing people and they cant ever be replaced. we have done so many wierd things already and bonded as a giant family.
we pretty much to everything together and its the best. i really made the right decision getting away from home and doing something on my own.
i already dont wanna go back home because its too much fun being on my rules and no restrictions...just the way life should be