Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lets try something new

Well since ive been here in college it hasnt really been a big thing. it finally feels like i belong and stuff.
my room actually feels like my room and my friends are all really close.
i really couldnt ask for anything better, but in fact i could.
the only thing that sucks is that i cant really cook anything...well i never did before but now that im on my own i feel like eating random things now instead of the always junk food.
yea its true im eating now and plenty of different things that i never really ate before.
its true wat they say, college does change you but in a positive way.
i depend on my friends for help sometimes and they ask me for help too
the friends i have made on my floor are amazing people and they cant ever be replaced. we have done so many wierd things already and bonded as a giant family.
we pretty much to everything together and its the best. i really made the right decision getting away from home and doing something on my own.
i already dont wanna go back home because its too much fun being on my rules and no restrictions...just the way life should be
friends Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

college math?

yea i know i have complained alot about my math class already but i still feel like i am back in high school being fed same bullshit
no offense to the people that actually need this class but i seriously think this is below even the basic level of college math
so be it as it may i have not payed attention once in this class and it has not done me any harm
i feel like im am taking 6th grade math again which was way below where i should have been at that time.
yea i can blame myself cause i fucked up on my placement test, but i also blame the university for punishing the students in higher levels of math for making them review the uneccessary topics in math that are irrelevant
i really wish that i could be challenged by my math class instead of challenging myself to pay attention or not...cause most of the time it will definately be not paying attention that wins
well it may get worse or better...only time will tell

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


among all the changes ive been through and all the new things ive been exposed to not much has changed within myself
sure i would like to say that i am a bit more open to new things but i really want to be able to get out in the world and do something totally new
i wish i could actually walk up to a girl and start a legitament conversation with her and not be nervous of messing up or that she will turn me down
i know it sounds really dumb but it is a serious thing that i go through with overthinking everything still
not as much as before but still doing it sucks
oh well hopefully the people around me will see my i just realized by writing this that if i have a problem i cant be afraid to ask for help from those close to me
and i have to stop being such a romantic and just be happy to be with a girl right
i mean sure its fun to be all cute and stuff but in the end do you think a girl ultimately wants a cute guy or someone with a little more impulse and spark.
one day i will find that guy in myself but until then im just gonna keep tryin to one-up myself from the last time and see how that does for me haha

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lets Think About This

wat is the point of trying to keep people from drinking alchol?
seriously i can see that it is inappropriate for little children but once people hit about the age of 18 there is really no point in keeping them from drinking.
are people supposed to magically change and be able to control themselves when they turn 21??? no so i mean there is no legitiment point to keep people from drinking.
if it may harm you when your 21 then it shouldnt be any different at any other age.
now some parents may make the arguement that it is still wrong because its the law, but as them to think back to when they were the same age and ask them if they drank.
most of them will say that they did it but that you shouldnt because its just wrong
its true that if you abuse it like anything else it will be a bad thing.
so the basic message that im trying to get across is that we as people should be able to enjoy alchol because there is no distinction between a legal and appropriate age to drink.
Blood Alchol Pictures, Images and Photos