seriously there isnt a day that goes by that i dont go on some sort of electronic device that connects me to the internet
now some may see this as a bad thing but i see it in two ways
1. this way is the bad way which cuts into my actual social interaction with the world and makes me not move for hours. it also prevents me from doing anything besides wat im doin on the computer
2.this is the good way because it connnects me to millions of people all over the world and even right here. it also connects me to vast amounts of information at the click of a button which is basically unlimited power (knowledge=power)
so i ask the being so in tune with technology a bad thing or a good thing?
PS. i spend a fair amount to time in the real world and experience many things. these many things have led to many things be them good and bad
the choice we make to utilize the tools of our generation is our own, but how we use them determines who we are...