In more recent times the population has spiked dramatically and this has caused great concern for the future of our planet. Questions arise, such as are we going to be able to sustain the volume of people living in the world with the limited resources we have and what are we going to do if we cant. These are scary thoughts if you arent prepared for the answers. Due to modern science people are living much longer than in the past which is adding to the ever increasing population. Most people dont want to die, but thats a natural part of life which is vital to our survival. Along with that, we as people of this planet need to slow down our re-population rate because that is the scariest part. All these small children being born at ever increasing rates is raising population numbers at record speeds. Life is important to everyone, but if we keep populating at the rates we are going then the result will be devastating. At first it would be a slow loss of our finite resources and then just a drop as demands increase and the availability dwindles.
We must all takes steps to help preserve our planet and its resources from ourselves. We are the single most destroyers of this planet in every way, but we also have the ability to save it if we take the appropriate steps. One of the big things that we need to change is controlling new borns, thats not to say that we need to stop having children but be more conscious and careful. We can also change our consumption habits as well, such as what we eat and what we choose to buy. With a little help and the right attitudes we can all change for the better and help preserve our resources for future generations so that they can prosper on this planet just as we have.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Friday, October 4, 2013
Human Adaptations
There is are children that live in South East Asia, the Moken, that are able to see better underwater. They are able to see better underwater than European children and probably most other children around the world. This is a wonderful adaptation because these "children dive for clams and sea cucumbers" which is what they must do for their community (ABCScience). This is one of the more remarkable adaptations that humans have developed because its not changing anything about humans, which could occur in mutations. This is simply the need to change with the environment and adapt, which the Moken people have done. Along with the ability to see better underwater, these children spend most of their time in the water so they are able to move through the water with ease. One source I found said that "they looked a bit like a school of little fish swimming around" because of their ease in the water (ABCScience). Studies were done with these children to find out the extent of their ability to see underwater and how it was actually possible. Scientists found that these Moken children didnt have any special or acute sight while on land, but in the water they did. In the water, they are able to control their pupil dilation to have it close to the smallest a humans pupil will go. Along with the pupil control, they are able to change the shape of their lens shape so they are able to see underwater. These children are able to use the muscles in their eyes to utilize the full potential of the human eye. Those doing the study had the children look at black and white photos of shapes and then try to match them out of the water. Almost every time they were able to get them right. There is nothing that they are doing that isnt natural, its just that they have learned to control their muscles to adapt to their living needs. It would be possible for others to be able to see as these children do, but it would be difficult. One would have to start at an early age and learn like anything else in life.
Im sure that these adaptations benefit the Moken people becasue they are able to make a living off the water, as many people in that area do. This adaptation just gives the Moken people a better to survive and prosper. In South East Asia, most of the area is close to the water so the Moken people may not be the only people that have adapted to their surroundings. Although they may not be the only ones, this adaptation does give them an advantage over other people that make their living the same way. These adaptations can mean the difference between groups of people surviving and others falling by the wayside. Now a days, that shouldnt be the case, but if these were times when the only way to live was to beat the other group at finding a food source and obtaining it, it might be a different story. Adaptations throughout history have allowed humans to better their situations in life as well as make their lives easier.
Im sure that these adaptations benefit the Moken people becasue they are able to make a living off the water, as many people in that area do. This adaptation just gives the Moken people a better to survive and prosper. In South East Asia, most of the area is close to the water so the Moken people may not be the only people that have adapted to their surroundings. Although they may not be the only ones, this adaptation does give them an advantage over other people that make their living the same way. These adaptations can mean the difference between groups of people surviving and others falling by the wayside. Now a days, that shouldnt be the case, but if these were times when the only way to live was to beat the other group at finding a food source and obtaining it, it might be a different story. Adaptations throughout history have allowed humans to better their situations in life as well as make their lives easier.

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