life is a mystery that we all live through trying to find its meaning.
yea we think we know wat it is but i dont think there really is a meaning to life.
i think that we are just here and we do wat we do because its something to do.
we have our ways of doing things, our own values, our own styles
so im not sayin that we shouldnt exist but im sayin that we live because we want to
there isnt a destiny or fate.. sure there is coinsidence and chance cause that is probable
cause and effect may govern the earth or maybe there is some hidden system that rules our lives.
religion has corrupted our lives and filled it with unrealistic truths
look im not sayin that everything that religions say is wrong but they have a tendancy to alter the truth in their favor and i disapprove of this.
they drag people in and feed them these false truths and expect them to go out and relay this to others.
man is in control of his own life.
we must be free from all chains that hold us down.
i dont want to be can believe in religion just dont expect everything they say to be fact but rather apply the moral lessons into life situations...
we must govern our own lives and take charge.
we must live without fear that there is someone out there to punich us and live the way we see fit.
government, restrictions, barriers, guides, rules, authority: these are all walls that we must tear down and set ourselves free.
im not sayin to agree with me but take into consideration wat it is that you hope to accomplish in life and think the endless possibilities that you could have if you lived life without restraints.
live, love, freedom.
prosper in your greatness and stand in no ones shadow for you are your own power and no one shall step upon your ambitions.- Gilbert Durazo