woke up late and it was awsome
then bestfriends took me to breakfast and dad brought my brownies
got to skoo and chilled wit eric the whole 4th period
went to fifth and watched the funniest movie in that class
went to lunch and had a blast
got to 6th and everyone finally realized it was my birthday
kicked it after skoo and went to the game
ate some food afterward and saw the ninja chan hahahahha
aww the only downside of being 18 and still in highskoo
is that pretty much everyone there is jailbait and it makes me sad
now i wanna go to college so i dont get sent to prison:P
other than that there are alot of pluses like lottery and smokin i guess
umm clubin and stripclubs
tons of other stuff now just lookin forward to the 21st birthday ;P
well thanks everyone

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