we are just like the koolest fuckin people in skoo and no one even knows it
so wat if we are smart or dont look like your typical koo kids
we still know how to fuck shit up:)
so theres hector, chivo, blanka, claudia, alex, ben, easu, paul, jesus, mariel, maira, krystal, annamarie, hillary, frank, eric and everyone else that kicks it wit us.
we just talk about the most random shit like food, pop culture(wierd huh), video games, women, parties, college, music, sex, funny ass shit, and watever comes up
we dont feel the need to go out and get all drunk and hook up wit the most random slut we can find, but dont get us wrong we will get drunk and start doin some crazy shit no doubt.
we are the ones that actually have a future and might make it into college were we will have some even crazier times.
so yea if you are part of this crowd take pride cause its a badass group of friends that you will always have cause you know most of them will most likely be successful and have some money
so dont be stupid and be dumb...be stupid with a purpose and be smart

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