Tuesday, May 18, 2010

soft touch

that first little touch on the arm or the back when you are with someone for the first time.
that innocent look when you both look into eachothers eyes that one time
the excitment when you grab her hand or put your arms around her
the feel of her soft skin against your fingers, with the goosebumps travling just before your fingers
the lucious feel of her lips when they first meet yours
the senual touch you give her when you place your hands on her hips
that mutal look that i shared that lets eachother know how they are feeling without a word being said

we demand that words be used to explain how we feel when we know that they just cant
only actions can express how we feel somtimes
i am not able to articulate into words the many feelings i have or even begin to put them into words
i will let my actions speak for me which should be enough
just a soft touch..

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