yea this is going to be my last year of being a teenager forever and imm not really that scared.
well one of the main reasons im excited also is because this year my birthday falls on a friday...its my first birthday away from home...and im in college.
the other great thing about my birthday is that it is soooo close to halloween!
im not saying that its going to be saying its going to be FUCKING AMAZING!
my birthday is going to be nothing but girls in costumes, soo much candy, good shit happening, and plenty of koolade
all i really want is for this to be a fun not even going to ask for anything on my birthday cause i dont really need presents....but if you insist on getting me cause i am a poor college student.
it is very true wat they say about dont really know how much money you spend until you go to college.
but anyways if you dont already know my birthday is friday OCT 29!
if you arent with me on my me a favor and party hard in my name cause if you know know that we would fuck shit up on my birthday!!!

hopefully my birthday weekend goes like this or way better! hoping for way better :D
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