Wednesday, February 1, 2012

untitled poem

you sit behind your wall of lies,
wearing your mask so the world knows not
the face that cries behind it.

emotions running wild in the mind
but damned if you will let the true ones show.
eyes fierce, seeing if that boy might ever
be the man you keep wishing for in those wild fantasies.

keep convincing yourself you are better off alone
than always hurting. Cover up with smiles
practically painted on, fighting off the onslaught
of other offers when the only one you want is gone.

-women are mysterious creatures and guys try to understand
-but they are also elusive.
-cant get too close without getting bit!
-they lose to push guys away so that they can keep coming
-back, until they push too hard.
-men only try to make women happy; that is if they let us.

can never be held down because they are
too independent, but can never be alone.
forever want guys around, but cant stand
when all they see is his face.

-we are fighting a losing battle, but we wont
-ever stop because we need love too...

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