Friday, September 11, 2009


now a days theres soooo many things that people become addictied and its kinda sad because we should be able to control ourselves.
unfortunately it gets the best of us one way or the other.
with some people its not so serious like myself because im pretty much addicted to myspace but i have realized this and started to address this problem.
while others may be too far into their addiction such as drugs and there may be no hope left and they might suffer terrible losses.
in this age we should provide help for these people but that is how others thrive off of peoples addictions.
it saddens me to see the value of life decreasin but at the same time i depriciate life myself by puttin others down.
its a vicious cycle but as long as people exist so will evil in the world.
humans by nature may have an inert motion toward evil but there is some good in the world through innocence..although this only last through adoleccence.
we become savage in nature unless checked by an authority .
we must learn to overcome the savage nature and have good prevail.
only then can we have a true perfect society..

ahh i hate lord of the flies

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