Wednesday, September 23, 2009


ok ok so i realized that the koolest kids in skoo are the nerds
yea thats soo true
im proud to say that im pretty much a nerd but not entirely
but yea its soo true cause who else could have that much fun being smart
ok so everyone thinks that the koo kids are the ones gettin drunk, gettin high, doin stupid dumbass shit, or just being hardass but those guys are gonna end up fuckin up soon and then wat happens instant not koo
but the nerds are soo awsome:)
yea thats right we have like this deeper meanin in life cause we know wats going on all the time and we can have educated conversations
and if we do dumb stuff at least we thought about it or we created something genius to do something stupid with.
seriously who else could you hang around wit and have fun while at the same time learn so much from.
theres never a lack of things to talk about when you are around us.
we will go from food, to world domination, to food again, then extreme chess, and sex and just other random fun shit.
so next time you are lookin for some fun muthafuckas to kick it with dont hang out with the crazy dumbass kids, hang out with us nerds cause we are the shit.

yea this is for all of you guys:hector, chivo, alex, esau, paul, jesus, blanka, chin, frank, me, mariel, ben, claudia, and all you other nerds out there:)))))


  1. Long Live the Nerds!
    Soon the other people will die out and the world will be ours!

  2. real nerds. hate people who call themselves...nerds.

  3. @anonymous

    "Real nerds", wouldn't assume what "real nerds" know. Because nerds are still people and they are all different, not every nerd does the same thing and generalising them into one big group is what nerds hate.
