its sad to see it go cause its been like the best year of my life seriously
well its kinda bitter-sweet cause its been the best but hopefully next year is gonna be way better
i love all my friends that made it great
ricky, alex, david, blanka, grecia, esau, frank, hillary, maira, eric, janelle, ashely, vero, karen, daniel, matt, claudia, chivo, hector, alex molina, jesus, jess
and the rest of you that i didnt mention sorry
we had some really good times this year and had way too much fun
some great ideas were shared, some plans executed, shit fucked up, and soo many memories
all i want to say is that i love life right now
its the greatest thing ever but its just gonna get better
get some for the new year and lets do it up big...when we have the chance
hopefully this next year will bring better memories and good shit
if im readin this like in a few years..dont be a fuckin idiot
this is for all of you guys who love bacon