haha so i have no idea why this pic is here but i looks sexy so i put it up:))
so procrastination is like the worst and everyone is guilty of doin it
i swear as americans we do this shit toooo mucho and we need to stop
like most of you guys that have mrs. crane right now and waited until the last minute to do your research paper....yea i did too
now everyone is fuckin freakin out and they gotta get that shit done.
ive been doin this thing like all week and thankfully i havent gotten writers block yet and i still have ideas comin in.
i know my essay is probably gonna be shit but imma get it done
and then theres all of you guys that are little girls and not comin to skoo so you can finish your essay..well just stop it
seriously like wat about the rest of us..yea i know we procrastinated but we are suckin it up and accepting the concicuences(i cant spell)
you guys are takin the pussy way out and i think thats dumb
jsut fuckin do it like some of us and just take the grade your gonna get
oh and its ont just hw either
we procrastinate in just about everything we do..going places..getting things..doin things..just about everything..you name it we do it
so im sayin try to break the habit and become more time efficient cause it wont fuck youin the future when it really counts and its not just a grade:)
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