soo im pretty happy right now
its christmas time and everything is going good
i swear this is the greatest year ever...i have crazyawsome friends, a sweet ass ride, i can do anything, im 18, college bound, great blog goimg, having fun, ladies like me, and my computer is working again, and im lookin way better than i ever have.
yea i know im a little concieded but i think we all have to be at some time.
cause if we didnt brag about wat we had then wats the point of gettin it?
so i say my life is at its all time high and bound to just keep gettin better.
many people are all like i wish i could go back to the past and change things but thats soo stupid cause if you did that you wouldnt be the same person that you are now and that wouldnt be good.
i love who i have become and so do many others so its all good
i just wanted to let all of you out there to know how my life was going and its super amazin.
annd theres this girl i kinda like and im tryin to make her mine...hopefully it will happen:)
she knows who she is and if by some slim chance you are actually readin this i really do think you are a super cutie and i do like you..
soo anyways everyone i love you guys and keep on living cause if life is handin you lemons just squeeze em and make some lemonade because if you do you will have lemonade to drink once life is going smooth. and if life is going great just make the best of it and help others enjoy it too.
this is the time of our lives were we shouldnt be worried about anything except having fun wit our friends and doin watever we want to do.
heres a little something for all you cat lovers:)

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