you know that im a deep person even though i dont really show it
but its one of my biggest flaws because i overthink things too much
ill take a little thing and blow it up in my mind and turn it into a big deal when its actually not
see i bet most people think im shallow because im very open and i can be blunt at times but thats a front sometimes
i hide my emotions, feelings, and everything from the outside world
some say this is bad and others wish they could do that
its a combination of both but it eats me alive inside
there isnt a day that goes by where i dont wish i could just scream my feelings to the world but im just too scared
there are very few people who have seen my true self
i present myself as a care free person that doesnt worry about anything
im probably the person that worries the most..ive just been able to speed up my process of worryin so that it only takes a few seconds
seriously though i wish i could share my inner thoughts, feelings, and everything but im not that confident i could really do it
also if i do then i might push away the people i care about the most
my fear is being judged by those closest to me...i know they are supposed to love me for who i am but the person i am really may not be who they really know
i just want to be able to go one day without second guessin myself and feelin confident about who i really am....
i dont want people to get the wrong impression that i have created a new image of myself but rather chosen to hide aspects of my character
dont think for one second that you dont know who i am because this is the real me but there are certain things about me that many dont know
i usually dont express my feelings because thats just the type of person i am but i want to change that
so please dont think that i have tricked all of you into thinkin im someone that i am not
this post is mearly to inform you that my mind is where i lose myself and i wish you could alll help