yea thats right cause we have to do another research paper
so we will all be spendin most of our time stressin about gettin it done instead of actually doin it
this is gettin everyone all worked up cause we only have like a week and like 3 days
yea most people havent started like myself and i know im gonna say im startin tonight but seriously i will probably start like in the weekend
i know its bad but its the life of the procrastinator
most people may come back half dead from pullin an all nighter or with less hair from pullin it all out
either way we might all come out of it wit a better understandin that we dont ever want to do another reseach paper again
best of luck to everyone that is doin their paper and hope you get an A cause i know i wont:)

I will be getting an A with only 5 days to work on it... :) BAWS!