so remember those fun games that we used to play those little party games
like truth or dare:P
yea you remember cause you would always pick truth unless you were really koo and you picked dare
haha or those times you picked dare and after they told you wat to do you decided you wanted to pick truth
then you would feel nervous when they asked you something like who did you like and that person was there.
well those were fun times :)

(this would probably count as a truth and a dare)
haha ohh and that really fun game of spin the bottle
yea when everyone would really try to make the bottle spin to the person they wanted
and when it wasnt someone that you wanted it to land on you claimed that someone touched the bottle
but when it did land on the person you wanted you got really nervous and didnt know whether to kiss her or yell at everyone else
but after you got it over with then you felt like the shit until someone one uped you
those were really good times but now we just move onto bigger and better games;)

(i just found this and i have no idea who this random girl is)
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