this has been the weirdest, best, awsomest break ever!!!
well i thought it wasnt gonna be so good cause we were supposed to go to disenyland on thusday but we ended up not being able to go!
anyways wednesday night i went to the movies wit ale and saw edge of darkness which was a really good movie(even if ale doesnt)
then woke up super fuckin early on thurday morning cause i had to park cars for the parade
it was hella hot during the parade so i saw pueblo and after ths i just left
got some money from that day:)
then that night was just gonna be a chill ass night kickin it wit the niggas
went to wing stop to plan out the night and catch up wit some niggas
so i thought i had to be home early so i wanted to go kinda early so the rest of them wouldnt complain
well we got to the party house around 9:30 and ricky broke a table
we kicked it until the party started and it was poppin
had to take care of ricky and we ended up leavin around 4 in the morning
so dropped off alex and made it to rickys at 5..didnt sleep
had practice at 1 on friday..still no sleep
got home and was txtin for a while and passed out at 8 then slept for 12 hours..
skipped all of friday:P
saturday went to look for a new car which turned into a disaster
then went to see the crazies wit the niggas and ale
shit was hella beast:)
so after we drove around tryin to find a party..unsuccessful
went back to ales and she made pancakes while we watched niggas on the tv
had some fun over there;)
woke up today and my parents had left witout me to go look at cars
came home and they wanna get me a fuckin drug dealer car! these people are crazy
well ive just been chillin today so we will see wat else happens:P
lookin forward to tuesday for our first game against marana..lets see if we can get this season off to a fuckin good start:)
hope to see all you there supporting or doin watever as long as you are there
thanks and i promise i will beast
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
my new life( by ale!)
so i know ive recently dedicated a few post to the best thing in the world, women. but now ive found a an even better thing to focus on, men. have anyone ever noticed how appealing it is when a big strong man slowly removes his shirt and the sweat slowly runs from his neck down his chest and abs until reaching places unthinkable. the point is i love men especially if theyre black. happy black history month
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
new season
well today we had our first volleyball scrimage
we played: THS, Rincon, Ironwood, PV, Cholla
i guess id have to say overall it was an ok experience but i dont really feel like it was
soo since there are only 3 returners from last year: me, pete, and patrick
i mean i think i played better than i did last year and so did patrick
i think pete is still playin like he did last year and he needs to step up
the thing that was frustratin me the most was the 3 new guys to varsity: george, gaspar, and baby soto
i mean all they do is mess around in practice and then today they literally just froze up
as soon as we walked into the gym george would not stop talkin about how nervous he was to be playin...thats not the kind of attitude you should have..especially as a setter, cause you have to carry the team
i mean yea i know that these guys have never played on varsity, but i mean im not about to step down to their level..they need to work their asses off and step up to our level.
i am really gonna give them hell at practice until they learn that this isnt JV anymore and this is the big boys court
well i know me and partick did pretty good today
finally playin outside too im soo happy about that:)
ive been waitin since sophmore year to play outside and finally got it
got quite a few kills today on some tall ass muthafuckas too
it was a fun first day for me(except the idiots pissin me off)
ohh thanks ale, korrin and krystal for going to watch us play
we played: THS, Rincon, Ironwood, PV, Cholla
i guess id have to say overall it was an ok experience but i dont really feel like it was
soo since there are only 3 returners from last year: me, pete, and patrick
i mean i think i played better than i did last year and so did patrick
i think pete is still playin like he did last year and he needs to step up
the thing that was frustratin me the most was the 3 new guys to varsity: george, gaspar, and baby soto
i mean all they do is mess around in practice and then today they literally just froze up
as soon as we walked into the gym george would not stop talkin about how nervous he was to be playin...thats not the kind of attitude you should have..especially as a setter, cause you have to carry the team
i mean yea i know that these guys have never played on varsity, but i mean im not about to step down to their level..they need to work their asses off and step up to our level.
i am really gonna give them hell at practice until they learn that this isnt JV anymore and this is the big boys court
well i know me and partick did pretty good today
finally playin outside too im soo happy about that:)
ive been waitin since sophmore year to play outside and finally got it
got quite a few kills today on some tall ass muthafuckas too
it was a fun first day for me(except the idiots pissin me off)
ohh thanks ale, korrin and krystal for going to watch us play
Sunday, February 21, 2010
ASU vs u of a !!
so today was a pretty good day
ASU played UofA today and came out victorious
the sad thing was that i was the only one wearin ASU shit in a house full of arizona was intense
i had to give all of them shit cause wat else was i gonna do
so i was super happy when ASU pulled through and won
im not sayin that UofA isnt good but ASU is better now:)
ASU played UofA today and came out victorious
the sad thing was that i was the only one wearin ASU shit in a house full of arizona was intense
i had to give all of them shit cause wat else was i gonna do
so i was super happy when ASU pulled through and won
im not sayin that UofA isnt good but ASU is better now:)

Monday, February 15, 2010
the other side of the pillow!
so if anyone really knows who i think im that one guy thats always tryin to have a good time and tryin to be all koo and watnot
well yea thats true that, that is infact me:P
but the thing pretty much no one really knows is my super sensative side
soo here it goes cause i figure if youve been keepin up wit my blog or at least looked at it this one time you should know a little about me
well i guess im just one of those nice guys that you always here about but never see
yea its true thats me but its usually covered by some the asshole things i do or say in the pursuit of being koo
im serious though im like one of the nicest people you will ever meet
spend time wit me and think about everything i do but in great detail and you will realize that i am the nice guy i say i am
plus deep inside im like a little kid, except im not:P
like when it comes to girls, yea its true that most guys want the hottest girl (or bitch) they can get right?
well the same applies to me as well, but with one exception
thats not all im looking for.
i wish i could find a girl that would really just wanna be with me.
i mean i care about looks a little but the main thing i want is for her to be there for me cause im a needy person inside
like i soooo wish that there was someone out there to just hold me all the time..yea i know it sounds pretty gay but i like being held
lets see..i want a girl that will just sit there and play with my hair, listen to music with me, stare into the distance without sayin a word, holds hands with, just lay down together(not sexual but it is allowed), say cute things to me, just smile at me for no reason:), and do all the cute things that i wanna do.
yea i know its not all about me but if that one girl exists then i want her and im guessin if i find her then i will do everything i can to get her
i dont care if it takes me forever but i will find her
in this modern society that is controlled by sexual everything i find myself surprisingly not driven to find this girl by those standards...thats not to say that im against this sexual revolution cause its awsome, but if i find this girl it will be purely an innocent physical attraction with the beauty of her being and her personality that i will fall in love with.
the looks and everything else will come into play but wit completely different standards.
yea yea i know this is probably like the gayest or sweetest thing ever but i dont really care cause this is the way i really feel:)
this is the other side of me..its as koo as the other side of the pillow!!
well yea thats true that, that is infact me:P
but the thing pretty much no one really knows is my super sensative side
soo here it goes cause i figure if youve been keepin up wit my blog or at least looked at it this one time you should know a little about me
well i guess im just one of those nice guys that you always here about but never see
yea its true thats me but its usually covered by some the asshole things i do or say in the pursuit of being koo
im serious though im like one of the nicest people you will ever meet
spend time wit me and think about everything i do but in great detail and you will realize that i am the nice guy i say i am
plus deep inside im like a little kid, except im not:P
like when it comes to girls, yea its true that most guys want the hottest girl (or bitch) they can get right?
well the same applies to me as well, but with one exception
thats not all im looking for.
i wish i could find a girl that would really just wanna be with me.
i mean i care about looks a little but the main thing i want is for her to be there for me cause im a needy person inside
like i soooo wish that there was someone out there to just hold me all the time..yea i know it sounds pretty gay but i like being held
lets see..i want a girl that will just sit there and play with my hair, listen to music with me, stare into the distance without sayin a word, holds hands with, just lay down together(not sexual but it is allowed), say cute things to me, just smile at me for no reason:), and do all the cute things that i wanna do.
yea i know its not all about me but if that one girl exists then i want her and im guessin if i find her then i will do everything i can to get her
i dont care if it takes me forever but i will find her
in this modern society that is controlled by sexual everything i find myself surprisingly not driven to find this girl by those standards...thats not to say that im against this sexual revolution cause its awsome, but if i find this girl it will be purely an innocent physical attraction with the beauty of her being and her personality that i will fall in love with.
the looks and everything else will come into play but wit completely different standards.
yea yea i know this is probably like the gayest or sweetest thing ever but i dont really care cause this is the way i really feel:)
this is the other side of me..its as koo as the other side of the pillow!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010
valentine's day?
haha today was the most crazy funny valentines day ever and i didnt even have a date:P
so yea me ricky and ale kicked it today and it was pretty chill
we ate some fuckin bomb ass steak that my dad made and then we watched some crazy ass videos on youtube
some tourettes man, unforgivable, some mexican translated he-man, night rider, and dragonball z
soo yea today was hella fun
who needs love when you have friends?
well to all of you out there that didnt have anyone to hold you today like me...
so yea me ricky and ale kicked it today and it was pretty chill
we ate some fuckin bomb ass steak that my dad made and then we watched some crazy ass videos on youtube
some tourettes man, unforgivable, some mexican translated he-man, night rider, and dragonball z
soo yea today was hella fun
who needs love when you have friends?
well to all of you out there that didnt have anyone to hold you today like me...
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
something about them
well i know ive talked about this before but im gonna do it again
women are like the most complicated creatures ever fuckin made
like was god doin coke and drinkin hardcore when he made girls?? he had to be cause they are the shit and they are also the devil
haha women you know i love you but i still have to hate you
there are plenty of things women can do right like: cook, clean, have sex, give massages, look really good, tempt people, and thats about it
now there are plenty of things that women cant do like: drive, read, write, talk, have a say in anything, work, and pretty much anything a man does
haha i jokin but seriously women wats the deal?
how can pretty much the most beautiful thing be such a BITCH all the time?
yea you can always blame it on hormones or lady problems but i think there is a deeper meaning
like i know women get together and plot against guys to make us feel stuipd, worthless, and look like assholes.
see it only works sometimes until we figure out the little games you guys play
mothers train girls from an early age to dominate over boys, but we need to break this cycle now
men need to learn to control their women like in the old days.
and if worse comes to worse men have the ultimate weapon for fighting women who think they can control everything
thats right its called a penis!!!
see if a woman becomes pregnant then they are pretty much useless and thats how we deal wit problems
but on a serious note(because this whole post was pretty much just a big farce) i love women even though they can be manipulative bitches:)
the only thing i ask ladies is that you stop tryin to control us because when you do that we as men instinctively become the biggest asshole we can and then you go cryin that we are just like every other man when in reality we are and then you eventually become lesbian and kill the human race
be smart just have sex and keep humans alive:)
women are like the most complicated creatures ever fuckin made
like was god doin coke and drinkin hardcore when he made girls?? he had to be cause they are the shit and they are also the devil
haha women you know i love you but i still have to hate you
there are plenty of things women can do right like: cook, clean, have sex, give massages, look really good, tempt people, and thats about it
now there are plenty of things that women cant do like: drive, read, write, talk, have a say in anything, work, and pretty much anything a man does
haha i jokin but seriously women wats the deal?
how can pretty much the most beautiful thing be such a BITCH all the time?
yea you can always blame it on hormones or lady problems but i think there is a deeper meaning
like i know women get together and plot against guys to make us feel stuipd, worthless, and look like assholes.
see it only works sometimes until we figure out the little games you guys play
mothers train girls from an early age to dominate over boys, but we need to break this cycle now
men need to learn to control their women like in the old days.
and if worse comes to worse men have the ultimate weapon for fighting women who think they can control everything
thats right its called a penis!!!
see if a woman becomes pregnant then they are pretty much useless and thats how we deal wit problems
but on a serious note(because this whole post was pretty much just a big farce) i love women even though they can be manipulative bitches:)
the only thing i ask ladies is that you stop tryin to control us because when you do that we as men instinctively become the biggest asshole we can and then you go cryin that we are just like every other man when in reality we are and then you eventually become lesbian and kill the human race
be smart just have sex and keep humans alive:)

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Shake Weight For Men - watch more funny videos
Shake Weight - watch more funny videos
like really now guys come on
haha this is too funny
Saturday, February 6, 2010
wat does it take to be a badass?
are you a badass?
am i a badass in disguise?
how can i become a badass?
these are all questions you may have when i bring up the word badass
well its really simple
badassness is just a way of livin
like if you fuck shit up on the regular then you are a badass
if you jump off a 2story house and dont break anything or if you do that badass
if you drive like an asshole at like 80 then your a badass
its really easy to become a badass but once you become on you have to stay on top of your badassness
cause one slip up like wearin pink when its not appropriate or sayin you like guys can totally overthrow your badassness
now some of you are thinkin that this post is absolutely rediculous but ask yourself
do you try to not look stupid all the time, say koo things, look hardcore, talk like a gangsta, or do anything that is remotly badass?
well if so then this is all about you
so people get out there and be badasses and if you could get it on video cause i wanna see that shit
well from one badass to another...fuck shit up!!!
are you a badass?
am i a badass in disguise?
how can i become a badass?
these are all questions you may have when i bring up the word badass
well its really simple
badassness is just a way of livin
like if you fuck shit up on the regular then you are a badass
if you jump off a 2story house and dont break anything or if you do that badass
if you drive like an asshole at like 80 then your a badass
its really easy to become a badass but once you become on you have to stay on top of your badassness
cause one slip up like wearin pink when its not appropriate or sayin you like guys can totally overthrow your badassness
now some of you are thinkin that this post is absolutely rediculous but ask yourself
do you try to not look stupid all the time, say koo things, look hardcore, talk like a gangsta, or do anything that is remotly badass?
well if so then this is all about you
so people get out there and be badasses and if you could get it on video cause i wanna see that shit
well from one badass to another...fuck shit up!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010
gettin back into it
i miss bloggin and i promis im gonna get back into it sometime soon
idk wat im gonna talk about yet
well i love watchin tv so i might write about that
maybe some new stuff about my friends
umm music maybe?
how my lifes been going
yea idk i know blogs are supposed to be like all about you but i dont see it that way
i see it as a chance to let people know wat your ideas are as well as those of your friends
so yea if anyone has any suggestion on wat i should talk about
oh i think i might try to find some parkuor vids for you guys
talk about badassness
speak of women!
some new electronics maybe
there are soo many things to talk about i just dont know where to begin:P
idk wat im gonna talk about yet
well i love watchin tv so i might write about that
maybe some new stuff about my friends
umm music maybe?
how my lifes been going
yea idk i know blogs are supposed to be like all about you but i dont see it that way
i see it as a chance to let people know wat your ideas are as well as those of your friends
so yea if anyone has any suggestion on wat i should talk about
oh i think i might try to find some parkuor vids for you guys
talk about badassness
speak of women!
some new electronics maybe
there are soo many things to talk about i just dont know where to begin:P

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
sad day
ok well yesterday feb. 2 was a very sad day because KIM K( my car) was hit
korrin and ale are some crazy girls and im glad you guys are ok:)
like its soo wierd being on the other spectrum of an acciedent but it still sucks cause you dont have a car:/
like poor little kim k is all messed up but i hope she comes through alright:))
i know people will never want to drive wit me anymore but its all good cause more room for me:P
so yea that was pretty much my day yesterday
today was better and poor little ale's hands better get better:P
well today was pretty chill..class wasnt that bad
friends still care about me and we made some good vids at lunch today might throw em up on youtube tonight so check em out
just type in mindlessgeniusbeast and you will find em
ohh and i got a rental car today and its pretty sick
already named it ale cause she hurt her hands:P
well its gettin better and i hope it stays that way:)))
korrin and ale are some crazy girls and im glad you guys are ok:)
like its soo wierd being on the other spectrum of an acciedent but it still sucks cause you dont have a car:/
like poor little kim k is all messed up but i hope she comes through alright:))
i know people will never want to drive wit me anymore but its all good cause more room for me:P
so yea that was pretty much my day yesterday
today was better and poor little ale's hands better get better:P
well today was pretty chill..class wasnt that bad
friends still care about me and we made some good vids at lunch today might throw em up on youtube tonight so check em out
just type in mindlessgeniusbeast and you will find em
ohh and i got a rental car today and its pretty sick
already named it ale cause she hurt her hands:P
well its gettin better and i hope it stays that way:)))
Monday, February 1, 2010
new starts
so lately ive just been doin me and keepin it real
i actually think im comin into my own now cause i feel really comfortable around everyone and wit myself
yea im not perfect but fuck it dude who is?
well shit i just wanna put myself out there meetin new people doin it up big
havin the time of my life
just see where i end up cause im livin life wit no regrets and always lookin forward
i wish some people would be as outgoing as me but you know those people just need that little push to get out there
yea i get that some people just arent social but i mean if you leave them wit anyone long enough they will probably find something to talk about
so im sayin give it a try and just get out never know who you might meet
i wont be surprised if i meet all those shy people like in a few years and they are the life of the party or watnot
we just need to loosen up and be willin to meet new people cause thats wat life is all about being around people
lets all go have some fun :)
ohh well this year so far has no doubt been the greatest one of my life and its barely a month in
hope i dont regret sayin that cause im tryin to stay positive and live in the moment
so if you feel you wanna make my year great then be happy to join in cause we can always use more people
life is wat you make it cause its your life
a wise man once told me
"LETS GET FUCKED UP!!!!!!!!!!"
i actually think im comin into my own now cause i feel really comfortable around everyone and wit myself
yea im not perfect but fuck it dude who is?
well shit i just wanna put myself out there meetin new people doin it up big
havin the time of my life
just see where i end up cause im livin life wit no regrets and always lookin forward
i wish some people would be as outgoing as me but you know those people just need that little push to get out there
yea i get that some people just arent social but i mean if you leave them wit anyone long enough they will probably find something to talk about
so im sayin give it a try and just get out never know who you might meet
i wont be surprised if i meet all those shy people like in a few years and they are the life of the party or watnot
we just need to loosen up and be willin to meet new people cause thats wat life is all about being around people
lets all go have some fun :)
ohh well this year so far has no doubt been the greatest one of my life and its barely a month in
hope i dont regret sayin that cause im tryin to stay positive and live in the moment
so if you feel you wanna make my year great then be happy to join in cause we can always use more people
life is wat you make it cause its your life
a wise man once told me
"LETS GET FUCKED UP!!!!!!!!!!"

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