well yea thats true that, that is infact me:P
but the thing pretty much no one really knows is my super sensative side
soo here it goes cause i figure if youve been keepin up wit my blog or at least looked at it this one time you should know a little about me
well i guess im just one of those nice guys that you always here about but never see
yea its true thats me but its usually covered by some the asshole things i do or say in the pursuit of being koo
im serious though im like one of the nicest people you will ever meet
spend time wit me and think about everything i do but in great detail and you will realize that i am the nice guy i say i am
plus deep inside im like a little kid, except im not:P
like when it comes to girls, yea its true that most guys want the hottest girl (or bitch) they can get right?
well the same applies to me as well, but with one exception
thats not all im looking for.
i wish i could find a girl that would really just wanna be with me.
i mean i care about looks a little but the main thing i want is for her to be there for me cause im a needy person inside
like i soooo wish that there was someone out there to just hold me all the time..yea i know it sounds pretty gay but i like being held
lets see..i want a girl that will just sit there and play with my hair, listen to music with me, stare into the distance without sayin a word, holds hands with, just lay down together(not sexual but it is allowed), say cute things to me, just smile at me for no reason:), and do all the cute things that i wanna do.
yea i know its not all about me but if that one girl exists then i want her and im guessin if i find her then i will do everything i can to get her
i dont care if it takes me forever but i will find her
in this modern society that is controlled by sexual everything i find myself surprisingly not driven to find this girl by those standards...thats not to say that im against this sexual revolution cause its awsome, but if i find this girl it will be purely an innocent physical attraction with the beauty of her being and her personality that i will fall in love with.
the looks and everything else will come into play but wit completely different standards.
yea yea i know this is probably like the gayest or sweetest thing ever but i dont really care cause this is the way i really feel:)
this is the other side of me..its as koo as the other side of the pillow!!

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