women are like the most complicated creatures ever fuckin made
like was god doin coke and drinkin hardcore when he made girls?? he had to be cause they are the shit and they are also the devil
haha women you know i love you but i still have to hate you
there are plenty of things women can do right like: cook, clean, have sex, give massages, look really good, tempt people, and thats about it
now there are plenty of things that women cant do like: drive, read, write, talk, have a say in anything, work, and pretty much anything a man does
haha i jokin but seriously women wats the deal?
how can pretty much the most beautiful thing be such a BITCH all the time?
yea you can always blame it on hormones or lady problems but i think there is a deeper meaning
like i know women get together and plot against guys to make us feel stuipd, worthless, and look like assholes.
see it only works sometimes until we figure out the little games you guys play
mothers train girls from an early age to dominate over boys, but we need to break this cycle now
men need to learn to control their women like in the old days.
and if worse comes to worse men have the ultimate weapon for fighting women who think they can control everything
thats right its called a penis!!!
see if a woman becomes pregnant then they are pretty much useless and thats how we deal wit problems
but on a serious note(because this whole post was pretty much just a big farce) i love women even though they can be manipulative bitches:)
the only thing i ask ladies is that you stop tryin to control us because when you do that we as men instinctively become the biggest asshole we can and then you go cryin that we are just like every other man when in reality we are and then you eventually become lesbian and kill the human race
be smart just have sex and keep humans alive:)

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