so where do i begin?
lets see well first off she is extremely cute even if she doesnt think so cause she is!
her smile is the best cause i always get to see it and it makes me smile
there are soo many different smiles that she has like the genuinely happy smile, when she sees me smile, when i touch her back, the smile she gets after i smile:)
ohh and cant forget those seductive eyes of hers that never let me look away
they are just mesmerizin especially when she batts her eyelashes:P
her hair is smooth (most of the time) and i love to run my fingers through it even if she doesnt like it cause it messes up her hair
cant forget that amazin ass of hers that is just so perfect
i cant really keep my hands of which isnt a bad thing:D
her legs are awsome and smooth (again sometimes:P) my hands also cant get enough of
shes just the cutest girl ever and i dont care wat anyone else thinks
yea it makes me smile when she tells me im cute cause i hear that quite often but it means so much more when she says it
im so lucky that we started talkin and even if she thinks shes the lucky one then i guess we were both lucky:P
i really dont wanna say more because the rest is for me and you to never find out:))
ohh and ale i know your readin this so i hope you have the biggest smile on and im not a creep:)
lets have a good time;)

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