well lets see started off on wednesday cause i went to orientaion at ASU! which seems like forever ago
that was really fun cause i picked my classes and saw where i may potentailly be livin next year..officaially a sun devil!:D
then came thursday ale called me and we went out to go eat lunch.
everyone showed up but it was all koo..then everyone went to joels house to watch some movies..which is all anyone does there as im told:P
had some fun later that night
friday rolled around and i had to go find shoes for prom and pick up my senior pics
so it was me and ricky and my sister..after we got wat i needed me and ricky just kicked it talkin about some important shit..well maybe just talkin shit
went home got ready cause i was takin ale out to go eat dinner, so we went and ate when ricky calls and says to go to the movies. i asked her if she wanted to go so we went and saw clash of the titans
after i had to go drop ale off at home for a while..
saturday started off pretty chill didnt do much all day..went to practice came home and told my parents i was stay at my cousins for the night
got to my cousins watchin the duke game(which was horrible) and then he went and got some beer.
we were just chillin beer in hand and then my cousin decides he is gonna go out so he was like " im out, you can do watever the fuck you want just dont break my shit and dont drive"
so my friends called me and they came over had a beer and some other illegal stuff:P
but they had to leave so i stuck at my cousins apt alone again tryin to find something to do
so he calls me up and says hes gonna pick me up and we were goin to some house party
i was like koo well
so we got there and there was no beer, so just ended up talkin to my cousins girl cause she was givin me shit
haha but it was funny though
then someone rolled by picked me up and went back to the apt.
thats the end of the story!
i swear this entire year keeps gettin better and better
im just so glad that i am able to be this happy because of my friends and family(sometimes)
id have to say this spring break was a success except for the part were i was supposed to work on my literary analysis cause thats where i fail:P
oh well too much fun to even worry about that stupid paper

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