it wasnt wat i expected but it wasnt so bad.
we started off by stoppin in san diego where we went to the was nice out and there were plenty of girls on the beach.
it made me want to live somewhere like that..right on the beach where i dont have to take a vacation just to see the ocean
then we went to go visit my cousins in san jose...the city where i was born!
well that was fun cause i havet seen them in forever. we went to san fransisco which was freezing as fuck but some good sight-seeing.
then we went to santa cruz to see the beach and we saw some dolphins!!
next we went to monetery which was former famous john steinbeck once called his home. rode some wierd ass bike thing that wore me had like 6 seats and 4 sets of pedals...and yes there were 4 of us.
then me and my dad went to this place called hearst castle..thats right a fuckin castle in cali...which this rich ass dude had built and filled it like a museum with very valuable crap..but he always invited people over and they were allowed to interact with him and all his valuable stuff.
also 2 of the greatest pools i have ever seen in my life are there!!
then we went to LA to see my dads tio who is 96! wtf
we was a pretty koo old man.
then we drove all the way home..i drove for 4 straight hours! never want to drive that long again haha.
all in all pretty good experience and glad it happened.

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