no class yet but that shouldnt be too bad i hope.
well my roommate is pretty chill, he is from around here so he knows where some things are at. and my suitemates are down too.
they are from tucson too but they went to ironwood.
im just ready to tear this town apart and its going to be a fun year for sure:)
my room is pretty sick too but my bed is super tall which kinda sucks cause i cant jump out of bed or into it...i have to climb :P
but other than that it is pretty sick...girls everywhere and there should always be something to do.
if you are in college and reading this all i can tell you is live it up to the fullest and do things you never thought you would do cause thats when you end up having the most fun.

If I'm thinking of the same beds. What i did was put the small metal drawers by the bed so i can jump off onto that and then run to class :)I also moved far away from the vent cause it blows right onto your face,,, :) GOOD LUCK!