hot tub time machine wit the niggas was fuckin fun...hadnt spent time wit those guys in forever
then saturday rolled around and i didnt really do shit the whole day..until i hit up ricky cause we had a mission to execute.
we went to go buy some upsidedown paint and then to get some shoe we headed off to rubios to tag up ale's car..which was even funnier cause she was watchin her car the whole time...then we went to her house and tagged up her street wit the paint which was really fun cause we did it super fast so no one would see us...she ended up lovin it so that was the highlight of my day;)
crashed all late like at 3 cause i had to pick up the drunk ass parents
woke up all early today and then watched some movies...had this great idea to just cruise tucson and i hit up ricky
picked his ass up and we just drove east and he had this crazy idea to go up to mt. lemon so we decided to go
we got there and just drove up for like 20 min...ended up at this crazy ass place and just ran around all over the rocks.
thats wat you call male bondin