then as my mind drifted off with this new topic i began to really think about it
so this is my take on self-identity:
from the very beginning of life our parents control and influence most of the things we do and see and say
this is the basic molding of yourself that might set up the person you are to become
then we start skoo and then begins the more advance molding of our young lives because it is here that our friends make us who we are
high school comes around and thats when everything gets completely messed up but sometimes in a good way
this is the time when we change wat we think is our own image which is merely a reflection of the teachings of our parents and past friends
we tend to think around this age that we are who we think we are but that is never true
i believe that it is only when we are completely free from all the connections that control us and we are left to fend for ourselves for the first time
but the thing is also that we may not be completely all ourselves...we may find our self-identity but that may be short lived
if you find someone that loves you and you end up marrying them that will also influence you in a different direction.
im not sayin that it will be a big change but we must not truely strive to find our self-identity because we are influenced by those we keep around and those we have been close to
just ponder this for a while and let me know wat your take on the matter is!

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