skoo is almost over and we only have like 2 and a half more months til graduation
if you are a senior and your not graduatin this is all i have to say to you..DUMBASS
well for those of us that are graduatin congrats cause we fuckin put up wit this bullshit for wat..12 years!
now we are finally free from government funded education and we can finally start learnin:)
some of those graduating know wat they are gonna do next year..which is either go to pima or just start thats not bad but i mean its not great.
and there are those like myself who are goin to go to universities:)
now im not sayin its better but its different in soo many ways
well hope everyone has a really fun journey no matter wat they end up doin with their lives!
if you ever see someone from back in your highskoo days i encourage you to slow down and take the time to talk to them if its right then adn there or over lunch
cause thats wat life is about..makin new connections and reconnectin with those from the past
lets live it up while we can and live everyday as if its that one day you want to remember for the rest of your life:D
best of luck to all of you

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