hes pretty much the shit and if you dont like him well idk wats wrong with you
i dont care if you like him a little that koo wit me
so yea he is basically wat an artists must be
this is not a homo thing at all so just stop right there if you are thinkin that.
ok so this muthafucka plays the piano which is badass
his voice is fuckin awsome cause i wish i could sing that good, women wouldnt be able to take their hands off me:)
we can switch up the tempo of his music from slow and sweet to up tempo with a sick beat...i mean it really doesnt get much better than this if you like RnB music
yea i know now a days everyone is into this hiphop and alternative or watever it is your into these days
but my one true favorite music is RnB cause it just captivates me
and this nigga JOHN LENGEND is like the reason why i love RnB

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