shows like this make it alright for kids who are idiots to begin wit to think that they can get prgnant at 16.
like seriously why would someone give up their lives just to have one night of fun.
yea havin a kid is a special thing but not when ur 16 and havent even finished high skoo or cant support urself.
just dont do it
like wat would make u think that its alright to have a kid??
yea that one night was like magical and all that other stuff but seriously wat are u goin to do now that u have lost 18 years of ur life.
this is to all of u out there that feel the need to get pregnant for no apperant reason. DUMBASSES.
for real like this whole pregnancy this is gettin way out of hand and it really needs to stop.
they are even makin tv shows about this now.
pretty soon they are gonna be makin shows called 14 and pregnant.
its just not right and its really stupid.
stop teenage pregnancy.
peace and love
gilly wtf? the show is not to appear as if its okay to be pregnant at 16. if anything its completely contradictory to your believe on the purpose of the show. every episode shows how their lifes were fucked up not fixed by a baby, and in the finale special or whatever it was, the real issues came out when the host started askin the questions like wtf made you think having a baby at this age would be alright. all the couples said the same thing -"we didnt, it was an accident" and they all told how it fucked up their child hood and forced them to not grow up but mature at an unnatural and perhaps unhealty rate. the show doesnt remotely encourage or suggest that its alright to do this; but instead it presents the demographics which are teenagers and females in particular to the reality of the situation by lettin the host represent a father figure. as well as letting the viewers associate themeselves with the protagonists, being of either gender and presents them with the true issues.
ReplyDeletethis way viewers receive the message that the show is really trying to convey. "it can happen to anyone so be more careful because it'll ruin your childhood well into your early adulthood." if you really feel the need to talk shitt about a rediculous show that truly exploits and portrays teen pregnancy as slightly troubling but overall correct; then talk shitt about that secret life of an american teenager, now that shitt is just stupid!! it sends the message that its okay to get pregnant if your boyfriend loves you and itll be a fairytale in the end. thats fuckin dumb! no he doesnt love you, he just wants to smash and yes everyone is gonna talk shitt because its highschool and mostly everyone is immature. and the only people that wont talk shitt are the two or three real friends you have, and thats if your lucky enough to have any REAL friends. im sure this was insightful and concurs with your overall statement that teen pregnancy is deteriorizing society at its foundation, the youth.