Thursday, July 30, 2009


the government is fuckin stupid.
so i totally thought we had this super koo democracy but if we do then how can they hide stuff from us??
i want axcess to top secret files because im part of this fuckin country assholes.
like why the government be able to control the country and make all these retarded ass laws the prohibit us from doin stuff
seriously i dont remember anyone sayin that we need to find things and then lock them up so no one else can see em unless ur sworn under oath.
when did we say it was ok to make downloadin illegal when we dont have to pay for it
like america invented takin shit that didnt belong to us for free and makin it ours.
if i could have my way im sayin we should fuck up our government or at least do something that will make them question their works
we need to unite into one giant cultivation of geniuses and think of some shit to un-courrupt the gov.
oh and fuck sendin people to jail we should send prisoners to war instead cause wouldnt that make more sense and its less money.
so everyone get ur thinkin caps on and realize that we are just as fucked up as any other stupid country that we cant pronounce their names

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