(this is our future)[dumb bitches]
hahahaha omg bitches are so stupid now a days.
i tell u there are sooooo many pregnant girls at such young ages its like a fuckin epidemic or something like the plague.
ok so all of u just a world of advice dont be sillya and wrap ur willy.
yea do u know howw much it takes to raise a child until the age of 18??
its somewhere like in the range of like a million dollars or something.
yea i know its soo much fun to get all close wit some girl and u guys decide to smash but arent really thinkin cause of ur stupid hormones right.
then oops shit happens and the dumb girl gets pregnant.
either that or the dumb girl really wants to get pregnant.(how stupid is that)
either way ur fucked for the next 18 years of ur life cause u have to end up raising the child or give it up for adoption.
i figured out why there are so many stpuid people in this country. its because we let all the dumb people do watever they want and somehow they reproduce at alarmin rates and there goes the country. im not sayin we should stop it but rather control it. the stupidity i mean not the sex part.
seriously how many dumbass people do u know that have kids and they are turin out to worse than their parents??
ok there are some exceptions but very rarely.
so everyone help out in this cause and do be fuckin stupid please id like to keep america at least from gettin any dumber.
so if ur gonna go smash at least be smart and wrap it up always.
cause if not ur always takin a gamble and u may end up payin for it for a long time.
and dont be a slut either cause then u will just be beggin to be called stupid.
the moral of this is not to get pregnant without plannin cause if do without plannin ur are pretty much fucked.
be good people and keep america sane:)
peace and love
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