well the first semester of college is done with and i will have to say its was pretty fun :)
had some good times and some bad times
made lots of new friends and talked to some old friends
idk wat else to write on here because i havent written on here in a while
the one thing i did learn about college is that you have a lot of free time but it isnt always ass it seems
soo yea make use of your time or do something that you will never forget because i figure if your gonna waste your time do it like a boss
anyways i have also learned that dorms ruin people lives...they are fun to live in for a while but they get old really quick
so im excited to go home and stuff and see all my friends:)
also ready for a new semester with my new major which is creative writing...i know most of you will be like oh you cant write or that is gonna suck
anyway cause it may work out or not but i dont care
have fun and do something after reading this or ill be sad......
write stuff below too
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
this is awkward
haha alright soo its been wayyy too long since ive blogged and this is really wierd
i remember the time when i never did anything and all i did was blog...
well i guess its a good thing that i dont do it so much but it makes all you sad i think..
anyways if you are wondering im doing pretty good over here at ASU...having tons of fun with all of my friends and doing wat we do best
we party hard and its the greatest experience ever
sooooo idk really know wat to talk about cause most of the people that actually might read my blog wouldnt understand most of the stuff that i would be saying on here about my new friends cause you dont know them.
well i guess i could tell you the last 2 trips back to tucson were pretty fun to say the least cause i brought some people back and showed them a good time in tucson.
umm well i also recently got a longboard and now im a koo kid that rides a long board all the time
wat else...oh i also destroy most of my free time playing BLACK OPS which is super fun unlike Halo:Reach which let me down....its just like the last halo where all the people that are good online play and you get too frustrated to play so you give up...
yea thats exactly wat i did
well im off so if you read this i hope you had fun and look through the rest of my posts cause some of them are pretty funny....and it makes me happy
i remember the time when i never did anything and all i did was blog...
well i guess its a good thing that i dont do it so much but it makes all you sad i think..
anyways if you are wondering im doing pretty good over here at ASU...having tons of fun with all of my friends and doing wat we do best
we party hard and its the greatest experience ever
sooooo idk really know wat to talk about cause most of the people that actually might read my blog wouldnt understand most of the stuff that i would be saying on here about my new friends cause you dont know them.
well i guess i could tell you the last 2 trips back to tucson were pretty fun to say the least cause i brought some people back and showed them a good time in tucson.
umm well i also recently got a longboard and now im a koo kid that rides a long board all the time
wat else...oh i also destroy most of my free time playing BLACK OPS which is super fun unlike Halo:Reach which let me down....its just like the last halo where all the people that are good online play and you get too frustrated to play so you give up...
yea thats exactly wat i did
well im off so if you read this i hope you had fun and look through the rest of my posts cause some of them are pretty funny....and it makes me happy
Thursday, October 21, 2010
theres this kid named ryan that lives down the hall.
hes a chill laid back guy
even though we make fun of him all the time he is still pretty chill
well ryan is sweet cause he always lets me use his longboard and we just sit and talk
i forgot to wake him up one time and he did the same..we had a slumber party
he also loves sports and can play some of them
the first time i met him...he had a mohawk
also he already went to the hospital while being in college
he has a car here which is the best and he got a ticket in that thing haha
he is kinda messy in his room but makes up for it by being pretty good looking
we do a lot of things together like go and eat and check our mail
and he likes bacon as well as penguins with backpacks

hes a chill laid back guy
even though we make fun of him all the time he is still pretty chill
well ryan is sweet cause he always lets me use his longboard and we just sit and talk
i forgot to wake him up one time and he did the same..we had a slumber party
he also loves sports and can play some of them
the first time i met him...he had a mohawk
also he already went to the hospital while being in college
he has a car here which is the best and he got a ticket in that thing haha
he is kinda messy in his room but makes up for it by being pretty good looking
we do a lot of things together like go and eat and check our mail
and he likes bacon as well as penguins with backpacks

there is this kid that lives like right next to me and we share a wall
he always hits it and then i hit it back.
he is super funny and he also has a mustache.
soo his name is jesus and hes the shit
he is like one of the only other mexicans on our floor and that just means that he is super fucking koo
hes way into photography even though hes not taking any classes
most of the time he always has his camera out and ready to take pictures of us...which are awesome by the way.
he went to tucson with me too!
we had some of the best mexican food ever at "guero canelo"
kicked it with my friend J Kwon (i dont actually know how to spell his name)
went to a badass party with all of my old friends
if you ever meet jesus then you will know hes fucking badass
and the jew thinks for some reason that his name is hector? idk why but hes just retarded.

he always hits it and then i hit it back.
he is super funny and he also has a mustache.
soo his name is jesus and hes the shit
he is like one of the only other mexicans on our floor and that just means that he is super fucking koo
hes way into photography even though hes not taking any classes
most of the time he always has his camera out and ready to take pictures of us...which are awesome by the way.
he went to tucson with me too!
we had some of the best mexican food ever at "guero canelo"
kicked it with my friend J Kwon (i dont actually know how to spell his name)
went to a badass party with all of my old friends
if you ever meet jesus then you will know hes fucking badass
and the jew thinks for some reason that his name is hector? idk why but hes just retarded.

Saturday, October 16, 2010
this is another one of my friends who is probably one of the craziest people you will ever meet. she listens to some crazy music that i have never heard of but i guess thats koo.
she knows pretty much every lyric to every song and sings them all
she recently moved rooms cause she didnt like her roommate, but loves the new one.
she is a ginger but tries to hide it cause everyone knows that gingers dont have souls
most of the time she likes to yell for no apparent reason.
also she gets violent cause she thinks that shes koo.
she loves pokemon and anything cute like cats and foxes...and thinks she also looks most like a cat
we have slumber parties sometimes and thats fun sometimes
she takes care of me and i take care of her.
also she loves food alot!!!
she thinks shes good at sports but shes just a woman so she may be mediocre at some.
her favorite food from wat i can tell is tea and unfrozen otter pops
this is leigh below....

she knows pretty much every lyric to every song and sings them all
she recently moved rooms cause she didnt like her roommate, but loves the new one.
she is a ginger but tries to hide it cause everyone knows that gingers dont have souls
most of the time she likes to yell for no apparent reason.
also she gets violent cause she thinks that shes koo.
she loves pokemon and anything cute like cats and foxes...and thinks she also looks most like a cat
we have slumber parties sometimes and thats fun sometimes
she takes care of me and i take care of her.
also she loves food alot!!!
she thinks shes good at sports but shes just a woman so she may be mediocre at some.
her favorite food from wat i can tell is tea and unfrozen otter pops
this is leigh below....

Thursday, October 14, 2010
well wat can i say about TANNER...
he is a tall white jewish guy from cali.
he is the cutest big guy you will ever meet and he is pretty sweet
one time tanner was like hey and i was like hey...then we smiled and it was the best
he is the master of akward moments cause he says that he loves to put people into akward moments
he likes to play football and i would say is an avid bowler
he tells me that he misses the ocean and i wouldnt blame him if i lived right on the beach
well he is super smart too and has some of the best ideas ever
he has some pretty awesome shoes that are plaid...and he is the only kid i know that longboards without shoes on all the time.
his beard is pretty epic even though he doesnt like it that much.
his drink of choice (while in public) is peace tea
and this is tanner below...

he is a tall white jewish guy from cali.
he is the cutest big guy you will ever meet and he is pretty sweet
one time tanner was like hey and i was like hey...then we smiled and it was the best
he is the master of akward moments cause he says that he loves to put people into akward moments
he likes to play football and i would say is an avid bowler
he tells me that he misses the ocean and i wouldnt blame him if i lived right on the beach
well he is super smart too and has some of the best ideas ever
he has some pretty awesome shoes that are plaid...and he is the only kid i know that longboards without shoes on all the time.
his beard is pretty epic even though he doesnt like it that much.
his drink of choice (while in public) is peace tea
and this is tanner below...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
well if you are in college now and dont think its amazing then you are sadly mistaken
this is the most fun ive ever had in my entire life! yea im a little sad that its not with my friends from back home but im still glad im having fun.
we have done a multitude of things i never thought i would do...such as taco night,random around in the middle of night, group showers, watching pokemon movies, watching absurd movies, and plenty of other ridiculous things...
so all im saying is that this is my first year and its only going to get better from here
word of wisdom or nonsense to everyone...do what you want, do what you dont want, do what makes you happy, and do what makes others happy cause you never know how the night mihgt end...
now on another note just have fun in college cause you dont always have to be serious..although you do actually have to go to class cause that shit will come back and haunt you if you dont do it.
well now if you are reading this i just got the greatest idea from my friends down the hall...write about them as individuals so that everyone else that reads this will know how amazing they are!!!!!!
this is the most fun ive ever had in my entire life! yea im a little sad that its not with my friends from back home but im still glad im having fun.
we have done a multitude of things i never thought i would do...such as taco night,random around in the middle of night, group showers, watching pokemon movies, watching absurd movies, and plenty of other ridiculous things...
so all im saying is that this is my first year and its only going to get better from here
word of wisdom or nonsense to everyone...do what you want, do what you dont want, do what makes you happy, and do what makes others happy cause you never know how the night mihgt end...
now on another note just have fun in college cause you dont always have to be serious..although you do actually have to go to class cause that shit will come back and haunt you if you dont do it.
well now if you are reading this i just got the greatest idea from my friends down the hall...write about them as individuals so that everyone else that reads this will know how amazing they are!!!!!!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
My Birthday
so my birthday is coming up in a few weeks and im super excited!
yea this is going to be my last year of being a teenager forever and imm not really that scared.
well one of the main reasons im excited also is because this year my birthday falls on a friday...its my first birthday away from home...and im in college.
the other great thing about my birthday is that it is soooo close to halloween!
im not saying that its going to be amazing...im saying its going to be FUCKING AMAZING!
my birthday is going to be nothing but girls in costumes, soo much candy, good shit happening, and plenty of koolade
all i really want is for this to be a fun birthday...im not even going to ask for anything on my birthday cause i dont really need presents....but if you insist on getting me something..money cause i am a poor college student.
it is very true wat they say about college...you dont really know how much money you spend until you go to college.
but anyways if you dont already know my birthday is friday OCT 29!
if you arent with me on my birthday...do me a favor and party hard in my name cause if you know me...you know that we would fuck shit up on my birthday!!!

hopefully my birthday weekend goes like this or way better!...im hoping for way better :D
yea this is going to be my last year of being a teenager forever and imm not really that scared.
well one of the main reasons im excited also is because this year my birthday falls on a friday...its my first birthday away from home...and im in college.
the other great thing about my birthday is that it is soooo close to halloween!
im not saying that its going to be amazing...im saying its going to be FUCKING AMAZING!
my birthday is going to be nothing but girls in costumes, soo much candy, good shit happening, and plenty of koolade
all i really want is for this to be a fun birthday...im not even going to ask for anything on my birthday cause i dont really need presents....but if you insist on getting me something..money cause i am a poor college student.
it is very true wat they say about college...you dont really know how much money you spend until you go to college.
but anyways if you dont already know my birthday is friday OCT 29!
if you arent with me on my birthday...do me a favor and party hard in my name cause if you know me...you know that we would fuck shit up on my birthday!!!

hopefully my birthday weekend goes like this or way better!...im hoping for way better :D
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Lets try something new
Well since ive been here in college it hasnt really been a big thing. it finally feels like i belong and stuff.
my room actually feels like my room and my friends are all really close.
i really couldnt ask for anything better, but in fact i could.
the only thing that sucks is that i cant really cook anything...well i never did before but now that im on my own i feel like eating random things now instead of the always junk food.
yea its true im eating now and plenty of different things that i never really ate before.
its true wat they say, college does change you but in a positive way.
i depend on my friends for help sometimes and they ask me for help too
the friends i have made on my floor are amazing people and they cant ever be replaced. we have done so many wierd things already and bonded as a giant family.
we pretty much to everything together and its the best. i really made the right decision getting away from home and doing something on my own.
i already dont wanna go back home because its too much fun being on my own...no rules and no restrictions...just the way life should be
my room actually feels like my room and my friends are all really close.
i really couldnt ask for anything better, but in fact i could.
the only thing that sucks is that i cant really cook anything...well i never did before but now that im on my own i feel like eating random things now instead of the always junk food.
yea its true im eating now and plenty of different things that i never really ate before.
its true wat they say, college does change you but in a positive way.
i depend on my friends for help sometimes and they ask me for help too
the friends i have made on my floor are amazing people and they cant ever be replaced. we have done so many wierd things already and bonded as a giant family.
we pretty much to everything together and its the best. i really made the right decision getting away from home and doing something on my own.
i already dont wanna go back home because its too much fun being on my own...no rules and no restrictions...just the way life should be

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
college math?
yea i know i have complained alot about my math class already but i still feel like i am back in high school being fed same bullshit
no offense to the people that actually need this class but i seriously think this is below even the basic level of college math
so be it as it may i have not payed attention once in this class and it has not done me any harm
i feel like im am taking 6th grade math again which was way below where i should have been at that time.
yea i can blame myself cause i fucked up on my placement test, but i also blame the university for punishing the students in higher levels of math for making them review the uneccessary topics in math that are irrelevant
i really wish that i could be challenged by my math class instead of challenging myself to pay attention or not...cause most of the time it will definately be not paying attention that wins
well it may get worse or better...only time will tell
no offense to the people that actually need this class but i seriously think this is below even the basic level of college math
so be it as it may i have not payed attention once in this class and it has not done me any harm
i feel like im am taking 6th grade math again which was way below where i should have been at that time.
yea i can blame myself cause i fucked up on my placement test, but i also blame the university for punishing the students in higher levels of math for making them review the uneccessary topics in math that are irrelevant
i really wish that i could be challenged by my math class instead of challenging myself to pay attention or not...cause most of the time it will definately be not paying attention that wins
well it may get worse or better...only time will tell
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
among all the changes ive been through and all the new things ive been exposed to not much has changed within myself
sure i would like to say that i am a bit more open to new things but i really want to be able to get out in the world and do something totally new
i wish i could actually walk up to a girl and start a legitament conversation with her and not be nervous of messing up or that she will turn me down
i know it sounds really dumb but it is a serious thing that i go through with overthinking everything still
not as much as before but still doing it sucks
oh well hopefully the people around me will see my struggles...no i just realized by writing this that if i have a problem i cant be afraid to ask for help from those close to me
and i have to stop being such a romantic and just be happy to be with a girl right
i mean sure its fun to be all cute and stuff but in the end do you think a girl ultimately wants a cute guy or someone with a little more impulse and spark.
one day i will find that guy in myself but until then im just gonna keep tryin to one-up myself from the last time and see how that does for me haha
sure i would like to say that i am a bit more open to new things but i really want to be able to get out in the world and do something totally new
i wish i could actually walk up to a girl and start a legitament conversation with her and not be nervous of messing up or that she will turn me down
i know it sounds really dumb but it is a serious thing that i go through with overthinking everything still
not as much as before but still doing it sucks
oh well hopefully the people around me will see my struggles...no i just realized by writing this that if i have a problem i cant be afraid to ask for help from those close to me
and i have to stop being such a romantic and just be happy to be with a girl right
i mean sure its fun to be all cute and stuff but in the end do you think a girl ultimately wants a cute guy or someone with a little more impulse and spark.
one day i will find that guy in myself but until then im just gonna keep tryin to one-up myself from the last time and see how that does for me haha
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Lets Think About This
wat is the point of trying to keep people from drinking alchol?
seriously i can see that it is inappropriate for little children but once people hit about the age of 18 there is really no point in keeping them from drinking.
are people supposed to magically change and be able to control themselves when they turn 21??? no so i mean there is no legitiment point to keep people from drinking.
if it may harm you when your 21 then it shouldnt be any different at any other age.
now some parents may make the arguement that it is still wrong because its the law, but as them to think back to when they were the same age and ask them if they drank.
most of them will say that they did it but that you shouldnt because its just wrong
its true that if you abuse it like anything else it will be a bad thing.
so the basic message that im trying to get across is that we as people should be able to enjoy alchol because there is no distinction between a legal and appropriate age to drink.
seriously i can see that it is inappropriate for little children but once people hit about the age of 18 there is really no point in keeping them from drinking.
are people supposed to magically change and be able to control themselves when they turn 21??? no so i mean there is no legitiment point to keep people from drinking.
if it may harm you when your 21 then it shouldnt be any different at any other age.
now some parents may make the arguement that it is still wrong because its the law, but as them to think back to when they were the same age and ask them if they drank.
most of them will say that they did it but that you shouldnt because its just wrong
its true that if you abuse it like anything else it will be a bad thing.
so the basic message that im trying to get across is that we as people should be able to enjoy alchol because there is no distinction between a legal and appropriate age to drink.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Make A Stand

America needs to seriously just stop being haters on everything that is super controvertial. i dont care if some rich, dumbass, fat politican wants to get votes just because we can say nothing about these issues.
border control, gay marraige, and the war.
all of these debates need to STOP.
i know im usually watever on issues but right now fuck it cause im tired of this shit.
i know at least one person affected by at least one of these issues and they would be much happier if America just manned up and stop tip-toing around these issues.
but people i really hope you know that just by me writing this nothing will ever change...we need a mass amount of people to change anything but i know we can do it because we are the future
yea maybe it may be too early to start thinking of the time ahead of us but arent we in college already looking forward...so i ask this of you
take a moment to think of anyone affected by somethign that the government wont make a legit decision on and then ask someone else.
soon we will have a large amount of people with the same goal and we can make a statement against the hipocritical government which doesnt do anything.
be apart of something big because if you wont stand up..no one will!
Monday, August 30, 2010
One of the great weekends that will never be forgotten
so this weekend was one of the best because its like we just formed a new crew and i love it
so me, jizzay, brodog, jewboy, alex, and big cat did it up big on friday and had some fun...i was dancing all night and it was pretty fun.
this is the new crew right here and you know we fuck shit up.
thats not to say that the old crew still wont fuck shit up...its like we just added onto the already existing crew.
we had to show jewboy and alex a good time and now those idiots wished they would have just come here in the first place.
the UofA isnt a bad school,but if you want to really have some fun in college and not just consider sitting at home with the same friends extremely fun then you better come to ASU!
ill admit sometimes i wish i could still kick it with all my old friends but this beats that like 90% of the time..sorry guys
if you were here you would know exactly wat i mean.
well hope you all are having a good time and that you keep up wat makes you happy.
im getttin kinda sad too cause no one ever comments on my blogs:/
i know most of you that look at it real quick dont really care about it but it would be nice to look on here once and a while and see some comments or something.
well anyways hopefully the weekends to come can compete with this one!
so me, jizzay, brodog, jewboy, alex, and big cat did it up big on friday and had some fun...i was dancing all night and it was pretty fun.
this is the new crew right here and you know we fuck shit up.
thats not to say that the old crew still wont fuck shit up...its like we just added onto the already existing crew.
we had to show jewboy and alex a good time and now those idiots wished they would have just come here in the first place.
the UofA isnt a bad school,but if you want to really have some fun in college and not just consider sitting at home with the same friends extremely fun then you better come to ASU!
ill admit sometimes i wish i could still kick it with all my old friends but this beats that like 90% of the time..sorry guys
if you were here you would know exactly wat i mean.
well hope you all are having a good time and that you keep up wat makes you happy.
im getttin kinda sad too cause no one ever comments on my blogs:/
i know most of you that look at it real quick dont really care about it but it would be nice to look on here once and a while and see some comments or something.
well anyways hopefully the weekends to come can compete with this one!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Its getting better!
wow alright so all of you that read my blog must be missing me a little i hope cause im up here in ASU.
well if you are wondering how its going, its going pretty good so far..classes arent that bad, already have homework, best roommates, plenty of talent (if you know wat i mean), and just a great atmosphere.
the only downside is that is that it is fucking blazing hot over here..hopefully it will cool down in a month or two.
well it is true wat they say..you dont get much sleep in college but thats not too bad considering all the fun that we have.
soooo if anyone wants to come visit seriously do it because its fun up here
i know all of you UofA kids think you are too koo to be up here but i serisouly think its way better up here and i know a lot about the UofA haha
ohhh and bring food cause we like food
just got Xbox Live so we should play together sometime too (xMindlessProx)<--gamertag
well this concludes todays session of my blog...keep a look out for the rest of mine because this is going to be a great year!!!!!!! :D
well if you are wondering how its going, its going pretty good so far..classes arent that bad, already have homework, best roommates, plenty of talent (if you know wat i mean), and just a great atmosphere.
the only downside is that is that it is fucking blazing hot over here..hopefully it will cool down in a month or two.
well it is true wat they say..you dont get much sleep in college but thats not too bad considering all the fun that we have.
soooo if anyone wants to come visit seriously do it because its fun up here
i know all of you UofA kids think you are too koo to be up here but i serisouly think its way better up here and i know a lot about the UofA haha
ohhh and bring food cause we like food
just got Xbox Live so we should play together sometime too (xMindlessProx)<--gamertag
well this concludes todays session of my blog...keep a look out for the rest of mine because this is going to be a great year!!!!!!! :D
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
wow it has barely been a day that i have been here and it is already amazing.
no class yet but that shouldnt be too bad i hope.
well my roommate is pretty chill, he is from around here so he knows where some things are at. and my suitemates are down too.
they are from tucson too but they went to ironwood.
im just ready to tear this town apart and its going to be a fun year for sure:)
my room is pretty sick too but my bed is super tall which kinda sucks cause i cant jump out of bed or into it...i have to climb :P
but other than that it is pretty sick...girls everywhere and there should always be something to do.
if you are in college and reading this all i can tell you is live it up to the fullest and do things you never thought you would do cause thats when you end up having the most fun.
no class yet but that shouldnt be too bad i hope.
well my roommate is pretty chill, he is from around here so he knows where some things are at. and my suitemates are down too.
they are from tucson too but they went to ironwood.
im just ready to tear this town apart and its going to be a fun year for sure:)
my room is pretty sick too but my bed is super tall which kinda sucks cause i cant jump out of bed or into it...i have to climb :P
but other than that it is pretty sick...girls everywhere and there should always be something to do.
if you are in college and reading this all i can tell you is live it up to the fullest and do things you never thought you would do cause thats when you end up having the most fun.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
cali trip
well the past week i went on a road trip with my dad to cali
it wasnt wat i expected but it wasnt so bad.
we started off by stoppin in san diego where we went to the beach..it was nice out and there were plenty of girls on the beach.
it made me want to live somewhere like that..right on the beach where i dont have to take a vacation just to see the ocean
then we went to go visit my cousins in san jose...the city where i was born!
well that was fun cause i havet seen them in forever. we went to san fransisco which was freezing as fuck but some good sight-seeing.
then we went to santa cruz to see the beach and we saw some dolphins!!
next we went to monetery which was former famous john steinbeck once called his home. rode some wierd ass bike thing that wore me out...it had like 6 seats and 4 sets of pedals...and yes there were 4 of us.
then me and my dad went to this place called hearst castle..thats right a fuckin castle in cali...which this rich ass dude had built and filled it like a museum with very valuable crap..but he always invited people over and they were allowed to interact with him and all his valuable stuff.
also 2 of the greatest pools i have ever seen in my life are there!!
then we went to LA to see my dads tio who is 96! wtf
we was a pretty koo old man.
then we drove all the way home..i drove for 4 straight hours! never want to drive that long again haha.
all in all pretty good experience and glad it happened.
it wasnt wat i expected but it wasnt so bad.
we started off by stoppin in san diego where we went to the beach..it was nice out and there were plenty of girls on the beach.
it made me want to live somewhere like that..right on the beach where i dont have to take a vacation just to see the ocean
then we went to go visit my cousins in san jose...the city where i was born!
well that was fun cause i havet seen them in forever. we went to san fransisco which was freezing as fuck but some good sight-seeing.
then we went to santa cruz to see the beach and we saw some dolphins!!
next we went to monetery which was former famous john steinbeck once called his home. rode some wierd ass bike thing that wore me out...it had like 6 seats and 4 sets of pedals...and yes there were 4 of us.
then me and my dad went to this place called hearst castle..thats right a fuckin castle in cali...which this rich ass dude had built and filled it like a museum with very valuable crap..but he always invited people over and they were allowed to interact with him and all his valuable stuff.
also 2 of the greatest pools i have ever seen in my life are there!!
then we went to LA to see my dads tio who is 96! wtf
we was a pretty koo old man.
then we drove all the way home..i drove for 4 straight hours! never want to drive that long again haha.
all in all pretty good experience and glad it happened.

Monday, August 9, 2010
gotta change something
well since im going off to college its your only time to reinvent myself
so i think i know wat kind of person im gonna be :)
i want to be one of those koo guys that is friends with everyone and a bit of a ladies man cause i guess you could say im a bit shy now
oh well im goin to have to do some work but it will definately pay off
and i think im gonna start working out and get buff
but i guess im still gonna end up being the same person i am right now :P
so who are you going to be in college???
so i think i know wat kind of person im gonna be :)
i want to be one of those koo guys that is friends with everyone and a bit of a ladies man cause i guess you could say im a bit shy now
oh well im goin to have to do some work but it will definately pay off
and i think im gonna start working out and get buff
but i guess im still gonna end up being the same person i am right now :P
so who are you going to be in college???
for the people :)
alright so lately i cant really decide who my favorite actress is because there are so many great ones to choose from and they are all soo beautiful:)
well im going to give my agruement and then i want anyone who reads this to comment on who their favorite actress or actor ( for the girls ) is. this is an interactive post hahaha
ok so for the longest time my all time favorite has been kate beckinsale because she looks good from being a hot ass mom in click or a sexy ass latex wearing vampire in underworld. then came rachel mcadams in wedding crashers who is unbelievably beautiful and a hot bitch in mean girls. so i mean i am at a serious dilemma here..and i know wat your thinking just like both of them but can you really do that? i dont feel like i can so i have to pick one but it is just one of those things that i cant do.
oh well i guess im not the only one so that makes it a little less frustrating haha
so now this is the part were you either put in your 2cents or your own dilemma
...ps so for girls is it like between george clooney and john stamos?? haha

well im going to give my agruement and then i want anyone who reads this to comment on who their favorite actress or actor ( for the girls ) is. this is an interactive post hahaha
ok so for the longest time my all time favorite has been kate beckinsale because she looks good from being a hot ass mom in click or a sexy ass latex wearing vampire in underworld. then came rachel mcadams in wedding crashers who is unbelievably beautiful and a hot bitch in mean girls. so i mean i am at a serious dilemma here..and i know wat your thinking just like both of them but can you really do that? i dont feel like i can so i have to pick one but it is just one of those things that i cant do.
oh well i guess im not the only one so that makes it a little less frustrating haha
so now this is the part were you either put in your 2cents or your own dilemma
...ps so for girls is it like between george clooney and john stamos?? haha

Thursday, July 29, 2010
a passion of mine
well as many of you that read my blog already know that i love movies! :)
so i have done some thinking and i have come to a conclusion that i want to do something with movies in the future..you know like write them, direct them, or even do screenplays
i have always been into movies ever since i was little. i hate reading because sure you can imagine watever it is that you are reading in your head but im more of a visual person..as are most people
so movies have been a way to visualize many spectacular things..they also allow us to do many creactive and seemingly impossible things
the great thing about movies is that there is no limit or boundaries if you want to create a great movie
i really dont care about all the money that there is to be made in movies but rather being acknowledged for creating a great work of art
most people will tell you that they can make a movie and its so easy..well i beg to differ
sure someone will have a great idaea but can they run with it..probably not
see the only way to make a good movie is to keep the watcher guessing wat is going to happen next but connect everything together from the beginning.
many movies now a days are so easy to understand..i have a bad habit of analyzing movies so i can tell you wat is going to happen next even if i havent seen the movie yet..i blame my sophomore english teacher Ms. Wilson!!!!
but also thanks cause that has allowed me to see how great movies are made
so i believe that i have the ability to have a future in the film industry...but as of right now i still have a lot of work to do because making a movie is very difficult, especially if you want it to be one of the greats that people will be qutoing for years to come :)

so i have done some thinking and i have come to a conclusion that i want to do something with movies in the future..you know like write them, direct them, or even do screenplays
i have always been into movies ever since i was little. i hate reading because sure you can imagine watever it is that you are reading in your head but im more of a visual person..as are most people
so movies have been a way to visualize many spectacular things..they also allow us to do many creactive and seemingly impossible things
the great thing about movies is that there is no limit or boundaries if you want to create a great movie
i really dont care about all the money that there is to be made in movies but rather being acknowledged for creating a great work of art
most people will tell you that they can make a movie and its so easy..well i beg to differ
sure someone will have a great idaea but can they run with it..probably not
see the only way to make a good movie is to keep the watcher guessing wat is going to happen next but connect everything together from the beginning.
many movies now a days are so easy to understand..i have a bad habit of analyzing movies so i can tell you wat is going to happen next even if i havent seen the movie yet..i blame my sophomore english teacher Ms. Wilson!!!!
but also thanks cause that has allowed me to see how great movies are made
so i believe that i have the ability to have a future in the film industry...but as of right now i still have a lot of work to do because making a movie is very difficult, especially if you want it to be one of the greats that people will be qutoing for years to come :)

ok so recently i have been watching one of the greatest shows to come out on television in a very long time called The Office!
yea i know it has been out since 2005 but i barely got into it like a month or 2 ago. but it is still amazing
im pretty sure many of you have seen it, but for those of you that havent i will go over the basics of the show.
It is based on a paper company called Dunder Mifflin and all of its employees at the Scranton branch. the regional manager is Micheal Scott (Steve Carell) who believes that he is liked by all of his co-workers and has a great sense of humor, which is very rude and unusal. there is a wonderful cast that portray the workers and the many things they do at work and the stuff Micheal tells them to do. Most of the show is scripted but there is a lot of improv that goes into the show as well. if you love laughing and anything else related to laughin then you should definately watch it. and come watch it with me cause i love watching it
there are 6 seasons so far but there is another season fast approaching...although its great that another season is coming there is word that Steve Carell may be leaving the office for good. only time will tell and if it does end then they had the best run on television.
this show also has one of the craziest love stories of all time and you have to watch all of it to fully understand the Jim and Pam relationship...but i promise you tahtit wont disappoint :)
yea i know it has been out since 2005 but i barely got into it like a month or 2 ago. but it is still amazing
im pretty sure many of you have seen it, but for those of you that havent i will go over the basics of the show.
It is based on a paper company called Dunder Mifflin and all of its employees at the Scranton branch. the regional manager is Micheal Scott (Steve Carell) who believes that he is liked by all of his co-workers and has a great sense of humor, which is very rude and unusal. there is a wonderful cast that portray the workers and the many things they do at work and the stuff Micheal tells them to do. Most of the show is scripted but there is a lot of improv that goes into the show as well. if you love laughing and anything else related to laughin then you should definately watch it. and come watch it with me cause i love watching it
there are 6 seasons so far but there is another season fast approaching...although its great that another season is coming there is word that Steve Carell may be leaving the office for good. only time will tell and if it does end then they had the best run on television.
this show also has one of the craziest love stories of all time and you have to watch all of it to fully understand the Jim and Pam relationship...but i promise you tahtit wont disappoint :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
my own trap...the mind
lately ive been feeling lost in my mind and idk why
i have seemed to seperate myself from the world except for my close friends
i had plans to get out and enjoy life but for some reason i cant seem to bring myself back to reality and out of my mind
idk if i am feeling lonely because i dont have anyone with an emotional connection to turn to or if im just feeling overwhelmed by the insignificance that i am compared to the world
all of this has pushed me back into my head like i used to be
none of this is good and its affecting my life even if most dont know it
i really dont want to go out and socialize because although i know it will be for fun a part of me is sayin...why go out and meet new people and create memories that will only fall apart and fade quickly.
and for the feeling lonely part im at a loss for thoughts because my heart is longing for some emotion but my mind is telling me that it is not worth it right now
me as a person is caught in the middle because i want someone to be there for me but i dont want to hurt them or me since i wont be here long
my mind is an elusive trap which i have fallen victim to and the only way out is to do what i have to
i have said that i am a complex individual and people may agree or say that i am easy to read...i really dont care how people see me because i am who i am
i would say that i wish things were back to the way they were...if you are reading this....but i cant keep kidding myself because the only reason that im thinking that is because im feeling alone right now
things happen reason or not but we have to deal with the outcome and keep looking forward. the past can only teach us one things...mistakes!
you may ask why i only said mistakes and not successes...well that is because we can always learn from mistakes but we can never follow in someones success because we must make our own success.
live, learn, love
our mind is a dangerous tool which can help us or hurt us
dont ever take it for granted and dont always listen to it because you also have a heart...
i have seemed to seperate myself from the world except for my close friends
i had plans to get out and enjoy life but for some reason i cant seem to bring myself back to reality and out of my mind
idk if i am feeling lonely because i dont have anyone with an emotional connection to turn to or if im just feeling overwhelmed by the insignificance that i am compared to the world
all of this has pushed me back into my head like i used to be
none of this is good and its affecting my life even if most dont know it
i really dont want to go out and socialize because although i know it will be for fun a part of me is sayin...why go out and meet new people and create memories that will only fall apart and fade quickly.
and for the feeling lonely part im at a loss for thoughts because my heart is longing for some emotion but my mind is telling me that it is not worth it right now
me as a person is caught in the middle because i want someone to be there for me but i dont want to hurt them or me since i wont be here long
my mind is an elusive trap which i have fallen victim to and the only way out is to do what i have to
i have said that i am a complex individual and people may agree or say that i am easy to read...i really dont care how people see me because i am who i am
i would say that i wish things were back to the way they were...if you are reading this....but i cant keep kidding myself because the only reason that im thinking that is because im feeling alone right now
things happen reason or not but we have to deal with the outcome and keep looking forward. the past can only teach us one things...mistakes!
you may ask why i only said mistakes and not successes...well that is because we can always learn from mistakes but we can never follow in someones success because we must make our own success.
live, learn, love
our mind is a dangerous tool which can help us or hurt us
dont ever take it for granted and dont always listen to it because you also have a heart...

Friday, July 2, 2010
Cowboy Bebop!
So many people go through life and never watch anime cause they think its for little kids when in fact its the opposite
sure they are drawn but that doesnt take aways from the quality of the story or whatever you look for in a show
well i want to tell you all about a show that was created in 1998 but is still very popular to this day!
its called COWBOY BEBOP and its pretty much the shit
yea i know wat you are thinking..if it has the word cowboy in it then it had to be gay but thats where you are mistaken
its a show about a group of bounty-hunters that travel space in the year 2071 trying to make a living collecting bounties
although this sounds like a great show..there were only 26 episodes made which tell the entire story!
they also made a movie but i havent watched it yet.
so if this sounds like something interesting to you all that read my blog then you should check it out...it comes out on [adultswim] which is on cartoonnetwork during latenight or you can google it
have fun

sure they are drawn but that doesnt take aways from the quality of the story or whatever you look for in a show
well i want to tell you all about a show that was created in 1998 but is still very popular to this day!
its called COWBOY BEBOP and its pretty much the shit
yea i know wat you are thinking..if it has the word cowboy in it then it had to be gay but thats where you are mistaken
its a show about a group of bounty-hunters that travel space in the year 2071 trying to make a living collecting bounties
although this sounds like a great show..there were only 26 episodes made which tell the entire story!
they also made a movie but i havent watched it yet.
so if this sounds like something interesting to you all that read my blog then you should check it out...it comes out on [adultswim] which is on cartoonnetwork during latenight or you can google it
have fun

Leaving the Nest
well the time is quickly approaching when i have to leave everything that i know and try to start a new life in college.
sure it may be a little overwhelming at first and hard to leave it all behind but i feel confident that i am able to adapt to my new life
i feel no regrets about leaving Tucson or anything here because i know it will all still be here when come back..whenever that is
im going to miss my friends because they are the ones i grew up with but i cant have them holding me down..i love them
i want to leave home because i am one of those people that learns from the real experience so its better to just cut ties and do things on my own
not to say im not grateful for everything that has happened in my life up to this point because it all taught me the important things in life
i will never forget all the memories i have made before this..the good and the bad
never forget all those girls i have chased, all the friends that have come and gone, all the places ive been, and all those countless moments that are just one of a kind
now even though my entire life is here i know i will succeed over at ASU because i am ready to enjoy all that it has to offer.
plenty of girls to chase, more friends to make, many places to see, and numberless moments to be had
so i leave you with this...
up until this point remember your whole life...think of a path that will completely change what you have done with your life so far and take it because life is about taking risks
you may feel regret, remorse, and reprive but in the end you can always say that you did it and no one can take that away from you
so make the most of life because the only thing holding you back is time!
sure it may be a little overwhelming at first and hard to leave it all behind but i feel confident that i am able to adapt to my new life
i feel no regrets about leaving Tucson or anything here because i know it will all still be here when come back..whenever that is
im going to miss my friends because they are the ones i grew up with but i cant have them holding me down..i love them
i want to leave home because i am one of those people that learns from the real experience so its better to just cut ties and do things on my own
not to say im not grateful for everything that has happened in my life up to this point because it all taught me the important things in life
i will never forget all the memories i have made before this..the good and the bad
never forget all those girls i have chased, all the friends that have come and gone, all the places ive been, and all those countless moments that are just one of a kind
now even though my entire life is here i know i will succeed over at ASU because i am ready to enjoy all that it has to offer.
plenty of girls to chase, more friends to make, many places to see, and numberless moments to be had
so i leave you with this...
up until this point remember your whole life...think of a path that will completely change what you have done with your life so far and take it because life is about taking risks
you may feel regret, remorse, and reprive but in the end you can always say that you did it and no one can take that away from you
so make the most of life because the only thing holding you back is time!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
well i know ive written so many posts about women and most of the time i never know wat it is that im talking about but i dont care cause its my blog :P
anyways i was thinking to myself the other day...this may not make any sense cause it was in my head but im going to try my best to express it into words
so to start off wat is the point in having a girlfriend/boyfriend?
well most people will say because they like that person or even love that person
but let me ask you this...isnt the ultimate goal of liking someone to find that one person that you will love forever and possibly have children with?
please dont get me wrong im not saying that you only need one person in your life..but people dont involve yourself in the drama of classifing boyfriends and girlfriends because sure its fun but it can turn itself into a giant mess
all of wat i just said above doesnt mean that you cant be with someone but dont make it more serious than it is. i know i am probably the person with the little experience but my mind knows more than i know it does! so if you ever wanted to listen to someone that didnt know wat they were talking about like most people already do (hint) then listen to me.
it may seem i never know wat im talkin about, i may even change my mind, but that doesnt mean that everythign i say isnt true.
just think about wat i have said cause if you are one of the few people that ever reads wat i write then you may see that there is truth in insanity.
and if you disagree with me please correct me cause i rarely know wat i am talking about
anyways i was thinking to myself the other day...this may not make any sense cause it was in my head but im going to try my best to express it into words
so to start off wat is the point in having a girlfriend/boyfriend?
well most people will say because they like that person or even love that person
but let me ask you this...isnt the ultimate goal of liking someone to find that one person that you will love forever and possibly have children with?
please dont get me wrong im not saying that you only need one person in your life..but people dont involve yourself in the drama of classifing boyfriends and girlfriends because sure its fun but it can turn itself into a giant mess
all of wat i just said above doesnt mean that you cant be with someone but dont make it more serious than it is. i know i am probably the person with the little experience but my mind knows more than i know it does! so if you ever wanted to listen to someone that didnt know wat they were talking about like most people already do (hint) then listen to me.
it may seem i never know wat im talkin about, i may even change my mind, but that doesnt mean that everythign i say isnt true.
just think about wat i have said cause if you are one of the few people that ever reads wat i write then you may see that there is truth in insanity.
and if you disagree with me please correct me cause i rarely know wat i am talking about
Monday, June 14, 2010
time for something new
alright so its time for something new
a new chapter of my life is about to begin and its exactly what i need cause ive been so used to the usual stuff and it is irritating me
i just want something exciting to happen
i lost a great friend and he is irreplaceable so i have to make do with that and now i have to deal with getting ready for a new school
while at the same time try not to lose touch with my friends
i want to hurry and leave tucson because i think the longer i stay here the more i will hold myself back from something great
no offense to tucson cause all of my memories are here but i just need something more exciting and fresh
i know i will be scared to get out and try new things but i am just going to have to man up and take the plunge
i feel uncomplete here and i want to go out and find out what it is that im missing
i know that i wont just stubble upon it but i will have to search for it
and along the way i hope i have some good times and meet some great people cause i think life is about finding out what we need to do and have fun with the people that matter along the way
i want something new without giving up all the old
if only life were so simple...
tell me which direction to go and i will forge a path of greatness
a new chapter of my life is about to begin and its exactly what i need cause ive been so used to the usual stuff and it is irritating me
i just want something exciting to happen
i lost a great friend and he is irreplaceable so i have to make do with that and now i have to deal with getting ready for a new school
while at the same time try not to lose touch with my friends
i want to hurry and leave tucson because i think the longer i stay here the more i will hold myself back from something great
no offense to tucson cause all of my memories are here but i just need something more exciting and fresh
i know i will be scared to get out and try new things but i am just going to have to man up and take the plunge
i feel uncomplete here and i want to go out and find out what it is that im missing
i know that i wont just stubble upon it but i will have to search for it
and along the way i hope i have some good times and meet some great people cause i think life is about finding out what we need to do and have fun with the people that matter along the way
i want something new without giving up all the old
if only life were so simple...
tell me which direction to go and i will forge a path of greatness
Sunday, June 6, 2010
so much change
well its only been like 2 weeks since graduation and already soo much has changed and idk if its a bad thing or a good thing
everything from high school has already been thrown out and we are all new people
i swear people are getting jobs, going on trips, moving away...its all very unreal but at the same time we knew it was going to happen
lets see so many of my friends are getting jobs cause they need to pay for school or they just want extra cash..i applaud them either way because they are doing wat they need to do to get wat they want
already people have gone on trips to wherever they want to go because its their one chance to go..ive seen people go to mexico, spain and just everywhere.
people are even moving like my friend grecia is going away to live in LA...and the sadest part of all this change is that i have said goodbye to my best friend...
no he hasnt died but it might as well have been because hes not with us anymore..some people may say im gay or just over reacting but fuck em cause it feels like ive also lost a part of myself.
i know that 4 years isnt much time in life but i managed to make a true friend in that short amount of time that i will never forget. his name is ricky provencio and im glad to say that he is my bestfriend. i swear me and him have been through so much in these past 4 years and its hard to believe that he is already gone. i remember freshman year i met him and i fucking hated him cause i thought he was an asshole but then i came to realize that this asshole could be my friend...from then on everyone knew that if we were together that shit was going down. it was hard enough having him move schools but not as hard as seeing him leave this time. in this past year we have grown so much cause we have been so close. this kid owes me his life but there is still no way to repay him for helping me become the person i am today. all the countless times we went partying, just kicked it, argued, and everything in between has been a blessing. most people cant say that they have had a true friend like this..well fuck everyone cause this nigga was one of a kind..and people will cry (like chris) and say they have been bestfriends with ricky from the 1st grade but fuck it..nigga imma miss you and im not scared to say i love you.
hopefully this wasnt the last time i will see you and looking forward to how its going to be in the future.
change is bittersweet because even though we are sad about the things that have happened there is always something new to look forward to
everything from high school has already been thrown out and we are all new people
i swear people are getting jobs, going on trips, moving away...its all very unreal but at the same time we knew it was going to happen
lets see so many of my friends are getting jobs cause they need to pay for school or they just want extra cash..i applaud them either way because they are doing wat they need to do to get wat they want
already people have gone on trips to wherever they want to go because its their one chance to go..ive seen people go to mexico, spain and just everywhere.
people are even moving like my friend grecia is going away to live in LA...and the sadest part of all this change is that i have said goodbye to my best friend...
no he hasnt died but it might as well have been because hes not with us anymore..some people may say im gay or just over reacting but fuck em cause it feels like ive also lost a part of myself.
i know that 4 years isnt much time in life but i managed to make a true friend in that short amount of time that i will never forget. his name is ricky provencio and im glad to say that he is my bestfriend. i swear me and him have been through so much in these past 4 years and its hard to believe that he is already gone. i remember freshman year i met him and i fucking hated him cause i thought he was an asshole but then i came to realize that this asshole could be my friend...from then on everyone knew that if we were together that shit was going down. it was hard enough having him move schools but not as hard as seeing him leave this time. in this past year we have grown so much cause we have been so close. this kid owes me his life but there is still no way to repay him for helping me become the person i am today. all the countless times we went partying, just kicked it, argued, and everything in between has been a blessing. most people cant say that they have had a true friend like this..well fuck everyone cause this nigga was one of a kind..and people will cry (like chris) and say they have been bestfriends with ricky from the 1st grade but fuck it..nigga imma miss you and im not scared to say i love you.
hopefully this wasnt the last time i will see you and looking forward to how its going to be in the future.
change is bittersweet because even though we are sad about the things that have happened there is always something new to look forward to
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
wat do you do next?
well let me tell you a little something about life...
thats right i still dont know anything new but its ok cause im ready to learn something haha
anyways this past week has been way too amazing for me to even put into words
lets see it began by hanging out with my great group of friends from school who i love to death cause these guys are fucking awesome even if no one else sees it in them..thats right im talking about chivo, natcho, hector, victor, ben, alex, jesus and chin. you guys are the best and i wont ever forget you..plus there are going to be more fun days ahead of us.
then it was graduation night on wednesday which was unbelieveable! then began the great week of partying with all my friends which was too much fun.
i love how my parents let me be myself now and let me do the things i want to:)
well wednesday hung out with a bunch of friends including most of the people i wanted to see that night, then thursday kicked it at annamaries with: frank, esau, hillary, janelle, ney, liz and her bf, on friday went out to the movies with the gang and saw blanka before going out, saturday we hung out with natcho at his party and then chilled at gregs, sunday was fun cause i had my little get together then went to nicoles little party and from there kinda just kicked it at home with the family and didnt even sleep until 9 this morning which was awsome cause i just woke up at 6 and had a bro day with ricky...muthafucka imma miss you!
if i had this much fun in a week imagine the fun im going to have with the rest of my life. so if anyone asks me what am i going to do with my life..im going to tell them idk and im going to have fun doing it haha
all i can offer people that are looking for an answer to what they are going to do next is just have fun doing it.
if you dont enjoy it then change it, if possible.
now lets all go out there and have fun because i think thats wat life is all about is having fun with the people you want to have fun with! :)
thats right i still dont know anything new but its ok cause im ready to learn something haha
anyways this past week has been way too amazing for me to even put into words
lets see it began by hanging out with my great group of friends from school who i love to death cause these guys are fucking awesome even if no one else sees it in them..thats right im talking about chivo, natcho, hector, victor, ben, alex, jesus and chin. you guys are the best and i wont ever forget you..plus there are going to be more fun days ahead of us.
then it was graduation night on wednesday which was unbelieveable! then began the great week of partying with all my friends which was too much fun.
i love how my parents let me be myself now and let me do the things i want to:)
well wednesday hung out with a bunch of friends including most of the people i wanted to see that night, then thursday kicked it at annamaries with: frank, esau, hillary, janelle, ney, liz and her bf, on friday went out to the movies with the gang and saw blanka before going out, saturday we hung out with natcho at his party and then chilled at gregs, sunday was fun cause i had my little get together then went to nicoles little party and from there kinda just kicked it at home with the family and didnt even sleep until 9 this morning which was awsome cause i just woke up at 6 and had a bro day with ricky...muthafucka imma miss you!
if i had this much fun in a week imagine the fun im going to have with the rest of my life. so if anyone asks me what am i going to do with my life..im going to tell them idk and im going to have fun doing it haha
all i can offer people that are looking for an answer to what they are going to do next is just have fun doing it.
if you dont enjoy it then change it, if possible.
now lets all go out there and have fun because i think thats wat life is all about is having fun with the people you want to have fun with! :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The Best Week of High School
this last week( which has only been 3 days) has seriously been the best week of high school by far and im not even lying
yea so monday i didnt do shit all day which was pretty fun because i hadnt gotten to do that in soo long
i love being lazy and that was my day!!
then tuesday we all got up early to go to gradutaion practice which consisted of sitting for an hour waiting and watching the gay ass senior video which only had a select few in every single picture...lame
but we redeemed it by taking some cool pictures of our own like the captain morgan pose and the always nice mid air jump picture.
somehow we ended up at the park and played tag for a while until everyone ran out of breathe(10 min).
we all went to blankkas house even though we didnt really have to but we did anyways...alex fell in love with blankas cat and lucy fell in love with ben
then we all went to eat at a chinese buffet where we all ate too much of course
next it was off to victors for some horsing around, video games, and some pool action
we started off by doing some crazy tricks into the pool and ended with jumping into the pool off the wall...intense indeed.
ended the day with some WoW with alex and ben..good times
today was the last day of practice and we all went to eat the greatest breakfast ever at carls jr which by the way was AMAZING!!!
then we all went home to do watever and rest for the upcoming graduation that awaits us. cause by the time you are reading this we will either be going to the graduation, at the graduation, or already have graduated.
class of 2010
yea so monday i didnt do shit all day which was pretty fun because i hadnt gotten to do that in soo long
i love being lazy and that was my day!!
then tuesday we all got up early to go to gradutaion practice which consisted of sitting for an hour waiting and watching the gay ass senior video which only had a select few in every single picture...lame
but we redeemed it by taking some cool pictures of our own like the captain morgan pose and the always nice mid air jump picture.
somehow we ended up at the park and played tag for a while until everyone ran out of breathe(10 min).
we all went to blankkas house even though we didnt really have to but we did anyways...alex fell in love with blankas cat and lucy fell in love with ben
then we all went to eat at a chinese buffet where we all ate too much of course
next it was off to victors for some horsing around, video games, and some pool action
we started off by doing some crazy tricks into the pool and ended with jumping into the pool off the wall...intense indeed.
ended the day with some WoW with alex and ben..good times
today was the last day of practice and we all went to eat the greatest breakfast ever at carls jr which by the way was AMAZING!!!
then we all went home to do watever and rest for the upcoming graduation that awaits us. cause by the time you are reading this we will either be going to the graduation, at the graduation, or already have graduated.
class of 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
soft touch
that first little touch on the arm or the back when you are with someone for the first time.
that innocent look when you both look into eachothers eyes that one time
the excitment when you grab her hand or put your arms around her
the feel of her soft skin against your fingers, with the goosebumps travling just before your fingers
the lucious feel of her lips when they first meet yours
the senual touch you give her when you place your hands on her hips
that mutal look that i shared that lets eachother know how they are feeling without a word being said
we demand that words be used to explain how we feel when we know that they just cant
only actions can express how we feel somtimes
i am not able to articulate into words the many feelings i have or even begin to put them into words
i will let my actions speak for me which should be enough
just a soft touch..
that innocent look when you both look into eachothers eyes that one time
the excitment when you grab her hand or put your arms around her
the feel of her soft skin against your fingers, with the goosebumps travling just before your fingers
the lucious feel of her lips when they first meet yours
the senual touch you give her when you place your hands on her hips
that mutal look that i shared that lets eachother know how they are feeling without a word being said
we demand that words be used to explain how we feel when we know that they just cant
only actions can express how we feel somtimes
i am not able to articulate into words the many feelings i have or even begin to put them into words
i will let my actions speak for me which should be enough
just a soft touch..
Sunday, May 16, 2010
quiet nights
lately ive been inside my head and idk if thats a good thing because i tend to make things overly-complicated in my head
well i feel like just driving to somewhere and just sitting there to think about everything as i just look out over the city
just ponder life and try to make some sense of this crazy exisitence.
i want to be able to sit in silence and not have a worry in the world
as much as i love being with my friends, i love being alone by myself to be able to think about myself, my proirities, and just life
i havent had some good me time in a while because im either going out with my friends, with that special someone, or with my family.
i feel like i just need an entire day to myself so i can just be alone from everything and just think
a day with no distractions, no one calling me, no one bitching at me, no one asking me for anything..just a care free day
its not that i hate everything its just that i like solitude at times and this is my way of making sense of everything.
i just need one quiet night to myself...
well i feel like just driving to somewhere and just sitting there to think about everything as i just look out over the city
just ponder life and try to make some sense of this crazy exisitence.
i want to be able to sit in silence and not have a worry in the world
as much as i love being with my friends, i love being alone by myself to be able to think about myself, my proirities, and just life
i havent had some good me time in a while because im either going out with my friends, with that special someone, or with my family.
i feel like i just need an entire day to myself so i can just be alone from everything and just think
a day with no distractions, no one calling me, no one bitching at me, no one asking me for anything..just a care free day
its not that i hate everything its just that i like solitude at times and this is my way of making sense of everything.
i just need one quiet night to myself...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Kicking it old school
well i love this time of year when school is almost out and no one wants to do any work at all
its just me ben and esau chilling in the computer lab because we dont have class and we dont have anywhere to be
these are the moments you want to look back in high school on because its quality time with your friends doing absolutely nothing at all
the reason im talking so much about high school is because my time is almost up and why the hell would i not talk about it, these have been the best four years of my life
and we have been writing so many reflections about our years in high school.
so i want to know about your high school experiences and the greatest moments in high school, life, or just some great moments.
let me know:)
its just me ben and esau chilling in the computer lab because we dont have class and we dont have anywhere to be
these are the moments you want to look back in high school on because its quality time with your friends doing absolutely nothing at all
the reason im talking so much about high school is because my time is almost up and why the hell would i not talk about it, these have been the best four years of my life
and we have been writing so many reflections about our years in high school.
so i want to know about your high school experiences and the greatest moments in high school, life, or just some great moments.
let me know:)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
AP kids are smart
so this week was the week of our final AP tests and im not going to lie it was pretty fun :P
yea i think i did pretty good on them..or at least passed 2 of the 3 i took
so i was super ready for the Gov. test and the day came and i nailed it.thanks ms wallace!
then came the calculus exam which was completely not what i excpected and it pretty much shit on my chest.
i felt pretty dumb afterward but its all good cause i had a fun time after when i went to the volleyball game and then taco bell.
then today was the final test..the literature test
thanks ms crane because all the work you gave us was way harder than anything on that exam
soo many people there today and it was pretty fun
then hung out with the ap kids where we went to go eat after.
after all that i went swimming with ricky ale and bri...met some koo new friends from sunnyside and desertview haha
all in all a pretty fun week and its still not over yet:D
yea i think i did pretty good on them..or at least passed 2 of the 3 i took
so i was super ready for the Gov. test and the day came and i nailed it.thanks ms wallace!
then came the calculus exam which was completely not what i excpected and it pretty much shit on my chest.
i felt pretty dumb afterward but its all good cause i had a fun time after when i went to the volleyball game and then taco bell.
then today was the final test..the literature test
thanks ms crane because all the work you gave us was way harder than anything on that exam
soo many people there today and it was pretty fun
then hung out with the ap kids where we went to go eat after.
after all that i went swimming with ricky ale and bri...met some koo new friends from sunnyside and desertview haha
all in all a pretty fun week and its still not over yet:D

i should have posted this a few days ago but i was kinda busy doing pretty much nothing haha
well im super excited cause i have reached 10000 views and this made my fucking day that day
so thank you to all that read my blog whether you want to know what im doing, keeping tabs on me, looking if i put your name in somthing, if your my dad, or if you were just bored and you wanted something to read.
either way if you happend to stumble onto my page i dont care
thank you so much for helping me reach this super goal!
now lets see how long it will take before i get another 10000 views :D
well im super excited cause i have reached 10000 views and this made my fucking day that day
so thank you to all that read my blog whether you want to know what im doing, keeping tabs on me, looking if i put your name in somthing, if your my dad, or if you were just bored and you wanted something to read.
either way if you happend to stumble onto my page i dont care
thank you so much for helping me reach this super goal!
now lets see how long it will take before i get another 10000 views :D

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
oh man so we literally have less than a month left in school and i just cant wait for it to end already
yea i know i will probably miss all my friends and stuff but ill be so glad to be out of school and able to just do watever i wanna do durin the day
so senioritis is kickin in big time and its hittin everyone hard
you can just see it in everyones face that no one really wants to be at school anymore but you cant blame them
school work is just becomin a burden which no one wants to do
ive been doin this all year but homework is just one of those things that you get and look at then just say fuck it
well all i can say is hang in there for these last like 20 days and then it will be over
we love our teachers and all but we fuckin hate you sometimes cause you keep givin us homework:P
yea so lets try to make this last kinda month of school a fuckin good one guys
FINAL SPIRIT ASSEMBLY this friday and we are gonna fuck some shit up cause we gotta show these underclassmen wat the fucks up!!!
2010 is gonna be one of those years that we will remember for the rest of our lives:D
yea i know i will probably miss all my friends and stuff but ill be so glad to be out of school and able to just do watever i wanna do durin the day
so senioritis is kickin in big time and its hittin everyone hard
you can just see it in everyones face that no one really wants to be at school anymore but you cant blame them
school work is just becomin a burden which no one wants to do
ive been doin this all year but homework is just one of those things that you get and look at then just say fuck it
well all i can say is hang in there for these last like 20 days and then it will be over
we love our teachers and all but we fuckin hate you sometimes cause you keep givin us homework:P
yea so lets try to make this last kinda month of school a fuckin good one guys
FINAL SPIRIT ASSEMBLY this friday and we are gonna fuck some shit up cause we gotta show these underclassmen wat the fucks up!!!
2010 is gonna be one of those years that we will remember for the rest of our lives:D

Thursday, April 22, 2010
just another day
havent really done this in a while but im gonna wing it and see how it turns out
so this is just a post about my life and how its goin
right now my life is just amazin and i wouldnt change anything in it
school is comin to an end very fast and i cant wait for it to be over even though im going to miss my friends
summer is just about here, i just wanna go swimmin, chill shirtless, hang out wit friends, cruise the streets, go out party, maybe a road trip, the possibilities are endless
also right now is amazin cause theres this girl that i like who is very cute and she probably hates me:P
her name is ALE and she is the best
life right now is just going amazin and it only gets better by eachday:)
the only way to look now is up cause thats the only direction im goin
so this is just a post about my life and how its goin
right now my life is just amazin and i wouldnt change anything in it
school is comin to an end very fast and i cant wait for it to be over even though im going to miss my friends
summer is just about here, i just wanna go swimmin, chill shirtless, hang out wit friends, cruise the streets, go out party, maybe a road trip, the possibilities are endless
also right now is amazin cause theres this girl that i like who is very cute and she probably hates me:P
her name is ALE and she is the best
life right now is just going amazin and it only gets better by eachday:)
the only way to look now is up cause thats the only direction im goin
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
the last few steps
so all of you that read my blog even if its just to see if i put your name in it then you should know that im a SENIOR:)
this is our last month literally!!! im sooo excited
there is soo much stuff that is goin to happen in these like next 20 days of skoo
so this thursday is our senior assembly where they get to bitch at us about not walkin at graduation and all that non sense
then this saturdy is PROM! which evreryone is super excited for cause its our last chance to dress up and have fun.
then next week is our last assembly which is going to be fun cause we are goin to win!
then we have AP tests in a few weeks and then finals and thats pretty much it!!!
then we have the rest of our fuckin lives to decide wat we want to do wit our lives
so wat do you want to do wit the rest of your life?
this is our last month literally!!! im sooo excited
there is soo much stuff that is goin to happen in these like next 20 days of skoo
so this thursday is our senior assembly where they get to bitch at us about not walkin at graduation and all that non sense
then this saturdy is PROM! which evreryone is super excited for cause its our last chance to dress up and have fun.
then next week is our last assembly which is going to be fun cause we are goin to win!
then we have AP tests in a few weeks and then finals and thats pretty much it!!!
then we have the rest of our fuckin lives to decide wat we want to do wit our lives
so wat do you want to do wit the rest of your life?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale
ok so theres this girl that i really like and she keeps buggin me to write a post about her even if it seems a little creepy cause shes into that :P
so where do i begin?
lets see well first off she is extremely cute even if she doesnt think so cause she is!
her smile is the best cause i always get to see it and it makes me smile
there are soo many different smiles that she has like the genuinely happy smile, when she sees me smile, when i touch her back, the smile she gets after i smile:)
ohh and cant forget those seductive eyes of hers that never let me look away
they are just mesmerizin especially when she batts her eyelashes:P
her hair is smooth (most of the time) and i love to run my fingers through it even if she doesnt like it cause it messes up her hair
cant forget that amazin ass of hers that is just so perfect
i cant really keep my hands of which isnt a bad thing:D
her legs are awsome and smooth (again sometimes:P) my hands also cant get enough of
shes just the cutest girl ever and i dont care wat anyone else thinks
yea it makes me smile when she tells me im cute cause i hear that quite often but it means so much more when she says it
im so lucky that we started talkin and even if she thinks shes the lucky one then i guess we were both lucky:P
i really dont wanna say more because the rest is for me and you to never find out:))
ohh and ale i know your readin this so i hope you have the biggest smile on and im not a creep:)
lets have a good time;)
so where do i begin?
lets see well first off she is extremely cute even if she doesnt think so cause she is!
her smile is the best cause i always get to see it and it makes me smile
there are soo many different smiles that she has like the genuinely happy smile, when she sees me smile, when i touch her back, the smile she gets after i smile:)
ohh and cant forget those seductive eyes of hers that never let me look away
they are just mesmerizin especially when she batts her eyelashes:P
her hair is smooth (most of the time) and i love to run my fingers through it even if she doesnt like it cause it messes up her hair
cant forget that amazin ass of hers that is just so perfect
i cant really keep my hands of which isnt a bad thing:D
her legs are awsome and smooth (again sometimes:P) my hands also cant get enough of
shes just the cutest girl ever and i dont care wat anyone else thinks
yea it makes me smile when she tells me im cute cause i hear that quite often but it means so much more when she says it
im so lucky that we started talkin and even if she thinks shes the lucky one then i guess we were both lucky:P
i really dont wanna say more because the rest is for me and you to never find out:))
ohh and ale i know your readin this so i hope you have the biggest smile on and im not a creep:)
lets have a good time;)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
its all about alex hahaha
ok so i was askin around for any ideas about wat to blog about
so alex was the first one to respond with all these ideas so i decided i would just blog about him!
here it goes-
theres is this awsome kid that goes to my skoo and his name is alex molina
many people know him as the cutest nerd they have ever seen and others may see him as a sexy besat!idk which one you prefer so just pick
well anyways he like dragons, dinosaurs, monster trucks jumpin over fire, kittens, and women(sidebar: he does not like flammin monster trucks jumpin over kittens)
well i have actually known alex since we were very little but we dont remember that far back so we just started over
hes pretty laid back and likes to have a good time
his way with women is inspirin and also pretty funny
ohh he also likes games!!!!
zelda, link, super smash bros, WoW, and halo just to name a few
if you wanna talk to him isuggest first lookin him up on the computer because natuarlly he is always on but hes very fun in person too
so if you think he sounds like the koolest guy ever he might be
get to know him and i promise you will fall in love with him
alex i know your readin this so your welcome and i hope this helps you find some ladies or at least become more popular than you already are!
so alex was the first one to respond with all these ideas so i decided i would just blog about him!
here it goes-
theres is this awsome kid that goes to my skoo and his name is alex molina
many people know him as the cutest nerd they have ever seen and others may see him as a sexy besat!idk which one you prefer so just pick
well anyways he like dragons, dinosaurs, monster trucks jumpin over fire, kittens, and women(sidebar: he does not like flammin monster trucks jumpin over kittens)
well i have actually known alex since we were very little but we dont remember that far back so we just started over
hes pretty laid back and likes to have a good time
his way with women is inspirin and also pretty funny
ohh he also likes games!!!!
zelda, link, super smash bros, WoW, and halo just to name a few
if you wanna talk to him isuggest first lookin him up on the computer because natuarlly he is always on but hes very fun in person too
so if you think he sounds like the koolest guy ever he might be
get to know him and i promise you will fall in love with him
alex i know your readin this so your welcome and i hope this helps you find some ladies or at least become more popular than you already are!

Sunday, April 4, 2010
spring break!!!!!
ok so this is my last high school spring break and its safe to say that it was a very good one!
well lets see started off on wednesday cause i went to orientaion at ASU! which seems like forever ago
that was really fun cause i picked my classes and saw where i may potentailly be livin next year..officaially a sun devil!:D
then came thursday ale called me and we went out to go eat lunch.
everyone showed up but it was all koo..then everyone went to joels house to watch some movies..which is all anyone does there as im told:P
had some fun later that night
friday rolled around and i had to go find shoes for prom and pick up my senior pics
so it was me and ricky and my sister..after we got wat i needed me and ricky just kicked it talkin about some important shit..well maybe just talkin shit
went home got ready cause i was takin ale out to go eat dinner, so we went and ate when ricky calls and says to go to the movies. i asked her if she wanted to go so we went and saw clash of the titans
after i had to go drop ale off at home for a while..
saturday started off pretty chill didnt do much all day..went to practice came home and told my parents i was stay at my cousins for the night
got to my cousins watchin the duke game(which was horrible) and then he went and got some beer.
we were just chillin beer in hand and then my cousin decides he is gonna go out so he was like " im out, you can do watever the fuck you want just dont break my shit and dont drive"
so my friends called me and they came over had a beer and some other illegal stuff:P
but they had to leave so i stuck at my cousins apt alone again tryin to find something to do
so he calls me up and says hes gonna pick me up and we were goin to some house party
i was like koo well
so we got there and there was no beer, so just ended up talkin to my cousins girl cause she was givin me shit
haha but it was funny though
then someone rolled by picked me up and went back to the apt.
thats the end of the story!
i swear this entire year keeps gettin better and better
im just so glad that i am able to be this happy because of my friends and family(sometimes)
id have to say this spring break was a success except for the part were i was supposed to work on my literary analysis cause thats where i fail:P
oh well too much fun to even worry about that stupid paper
well lets see started off on wednesday cause i went to orientaion at ASU! which seems like forever ago
that was really fun cause i picked my classes and saw where i may potentailly be livin next year..officaially a sun devil!:D
then came thursday ale called me and we went out to go eat lunch.
everyone showed up but it was all koo..then everyone went to joels house to watch some movies..which is all anyone does there as im told:P
had some fun later that night
friday rolled around and i had to go find shoes for prom and pick up my senior pics
so it was me and ricky and my sister..after we got wat i needed me and ricky just kicked it talkin about some important shit..well maybe just talkin shit
went home got ready cause i was takin ale out to go eat dinner, so we went and ate when ricky calls and says to go to the movies. i asked her if she wanted to go so we went and saw clash of the titans
after i had to go drop ale off at home for a while..
saturday started off pretty chill didnt do much all day..went to practice came home and told my parents i was stay at my cousins for the night
got to my cousins watchin the duke game(which was horrible) and then he went and got some beer.
we were just chillin beer in hand and then my cousin decides he is gonna go out so he was like " im out, you can do watever the fuck you want just dont break my shit and dont drive"
so my friends called me and they came over had a beer and some other illegal stuff:P
but they had to leave so i stuck at my cousins apt alone again tryin to find something to do
so he calls me up and says hes gonna pick me up and we were goin to some house party
i was like koo well
so we got there and there was no beer, so just ended up talkin to my cousins girl cause she was givin me shit
haha but it was funny though
then someone rolled by picked me up and went back to the apt.
thats the end of the story!
i swear this entire year keeps gettin better and better
im just so glad that i am able to be this happy because of my friends and family(sometimes)
id have to say this spring break was a success except for the part were i was supposed to work on my literary analysis cause thats where i fail:P
oh well too much fun to even worry about that stupid paper

Sunday, March 28, 2010
spontaneous trips
wow this was a pretty awsome weekend of this year
hot tub time machine wit the niggas was fuckin fun...hadnt spent time wit those guys in forever
then saturday rolled around and i didnt really do shit the whole day..until i hit up ricky cause we had a mission to execute.
we went to go buy some upsidedown paint and then to get some shoe polish..so we headed off to rubios to tag up ale's car..which was even funnier cause she was watchin her car the whole time...then we went to her house and tagged up her street wit the paint which was really fun cause we did it super fast so no one would see us...she ended up lovin it so that was the highlight of my day;)
crashed all late like at 3 cause i had to pick up the drunk ass parents
woke up all early today and then watched some movies...had this great idea to just cruise tucson and i hit up ricky
picked his ass up and we just drove east and he had this crazy idea to go up to mt. lemon so we decided to go
we got there and just drove up for like 20 min...ended up at this crazy ass place and just ran around all over the rocks.
thats wat you call male bondin

hot tub time machine wit the niggas was fuckin fun...hadnt spent time wit those guys in forever
then saturday rolled around and i didnt really do shit the whole day..until i hit up ricky cause we had a mission to execute.
we went to go buy some upsidedown paint and then to get some shoe polish..so we headed off to rubios to tag up ale's car..which was even funnier cause she was watchin her car the whole time...then we went to her house and tagged up her street wit the paint which was really fun cause we did it super fast so no one would see us...she ended up lovin it so that was the highlight of my day;)
crashed all late like at 3 cause i had to pick up the drunk ass parents
woke up all early today and then watched some movies...had this great idea to just cruise tucson and i hit up ricky
picked his ass up and we just drove east and he had this crazy idea to go up to mt. lemon so we decided to go
we got there and just drove up for like 20 min...ended up at this crazy ass place and just ran around all over the rocks.
thats wat you call male bondin

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
self identity
well i was in the bathroom and i saw this book and on the back it had something aboiut self-identity
then as my mind drifted off with this new topic i began to really think about it
so this is my take on self-identity:
from the very beginning of life our parents control and influence most of the things we do and see and say
this is the basic molding of yourself that might set up the person you are to become
then we start skoo and then begins the more advance molding of our young lives because it is here that our friends make us who we are
high school comes around and thats when everything gets completely messed up but sometimes in a good way
this is the time when we change wat we think is our own image which is merely a reflection of the teachings of our parents and past friends
we tend to think around this age that we are who we think we are but that is never true
i believe that it is only when we are completely free from all the connections that control us and we are left to fend for ourselves for the first time
but the thing is also that we may not be completely all ourselves...we may find our self-identity but that may be short lived
if you find someone that loves you and you end up marrying them that will also influence you in a different direction.
im not sayin that it will be a big change but we must not truely strive to find our self-identity because we are influenced by those we keep around and those we have been close to
just ponder this for a while and let me know wat your take on the matter is!
then as my mind drifted off with this new topic i began to really think about it
so this is my take on self-identity:
from the very beginning of life our parents control and influence most of the things we do and see and say
this is the basic molding of yourself that might set up the person you are to become
then we start skoo and then begins the more advance molding of our young lives because it is here that our friends make us who we are
high school comes around and thats when everything gets completely messed up but sometimes in a good way
this is the time when we change wat we think is our own image which is merely a reflection of the teachings of our parents and past friends
we tend to think around this age that we are who we think we are but that is never true
i believe that it is only when we are completely free from all the connections that control us and we are left to fend for ourselves for the first time
but the thing is also that we may not be completely all ourselves...we may find our self-identity but that may be short lived
if you find someone that loves you and you end up marrying them that will also influence you in a different direction.
im not sayin that it will be a big change but we must not truely strive to find our self-identity because we are influenced by those we keep around and those we have been close to
just ponder this for a while and let me know wat your take on the matter is!

Monday, March 22, 2010
on a serious note
for some reason i feel like im always the odd one out
no matter the situation or the place or anything
i never really know the whole story or im just not in on everything that happened
im not tryin to sound all depressed or anything i just feel like i dont connect with anyone right now
i swear the people that i used to hang out with in the beginning of the year seem like strangers to me and its so odd that this has happened
i dont want to distance myself from everyone but it just seems like im gettin farther and farther away
like i cant just sit and talk to someone for more 20 min anymore because i run out of things to talk about
idk if this is just an akward time in my life or its just me?
i really dont
this is drivin me crazy because the only place i really feel comfortable now is by myself in my room and that is the last place i want to be
idk wat i should do or wat i can do
it seems the more i try to prevent this from happening the more and more i drift away from everyone
i cant stand being alone i constantly need people around me because if not i will escape to the confinds of my mind and never return
the thing i fear most is that i will revert back to when i never wanted to go out or do anything because i felt so left out from everything that i didnt even want to try
the worst part is though i think im already doin that
wat is one to do that has no real connection to the world?
its as if i slipped through a crack and im stuck while everyone passes by not noticing that im stuck
if only people knew my true distress
my mind wonders too much which causes me to imagine the worst possible outcomes of my life and enstill them as the true reality
wat if this entire thing is a falsity that my mind has created to prevent me from becoming the person i truely need to become?
only time will tell...lets hope it comes sooner before its too late
no matter the situation or the place or anything
i never really know the whole story or im just not in on everything that happened
im not tryin to sound all depressed or anything i just feel like i dont connect with anyone right now
i swear the people that i used to hang out with in the beginning of the year seem like strangers to me and its so odd that this has happened
i dont want to distance myself from everyone but it just seems like im gettin farther and farther away
like i cant just sit and talk to someone for more 20 min anymore because i run out of things to talk about
idk if this is just an akward time in my life or its just me?
i really dont
this is drivin me crazy because the only place i really feel comfortable now is by myself in my room and that is the last place i want to be
idk wat i should do or wat i can do
it seems the more i try to prevent this from happening the more and more i drift away from everyone
i cant stand being alone i constantly need people around me because if not i will escape to the confinds of my mind and never return
the thing i fear most is that i will revert back to when i never wanted to go out or do anything because i felt so left out from everything that i didnt even want to try
the worst part is though i think im already doin that
wat is one to do that has no real connection to the world?
its as if i slipped through a crack and im stuck while everyone passes by not noticing that im stuck
if only people knew my true distress
my mind wonders too much which causes me to imagine the worst possible outcomes of my life and enstill them as the true reality
wat if this entire thing is a falsity that my mind has created to prevent me from becoming the person i truely need to become?
only time will tell...lets hope it comes sooner before its too late
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
one of the best artists ever!!!!
so this has been my favorite artists since like the 7th grade:)
hes pretty much the shit and if you dont like him well idk wats wrong with you
i dont care if you like him a little that koo wit me
so yea he is basically wat an artists must be
this is not a homo thing at all so just stop right there if you are thinkin that.
ok so this muthafucka plays the piano which is badass
his voice is fuckin awsome cause i wish i could sing that good, women wouldnt be able to take their hands off me:)
we can switch up the tempo of his music from slow and sweet to up tempo with a sick beat...i mean it really doesnt get much better than this if you like RnB music
yea i know now a days everyone is into this hiphop and alternative or watever it is your into these days
but my one true favorite music is RnB cause it just captivates me
and this nigga JOHN LENGEND is like the reason why i love RnB
hes pretty much the shit and if you dont like him well idk wats wrong with you
i dont care if you like him a little that koo wit me
so yea he is basically wat an artists must be
this is not a homo thing at all so just stop right there if you are thinkin that.
ok so this muthafucka plays the piano which is badass
his voice is fuckin awsome cause i wish i could sing that good, women wouldnt be able to take their hands off me:)
we can switch up the tempo of his music from slow and sweet to up tempo with a sick beat...i mean it really doesnt get much better than this if you like RnB music
yea i know now a days everyone is into this hiphop and alternative or watever it is your into these days
but my one true favorite music is RnB cause it just captivates me
and this nigga JOHN LENGEND is like the reason why i love RnB

bored post!
so yea i dont care that i have no life and i post too much
its just fun cause theres nutin better to do:)
ok so im one of those koo kids with a twitter, but there are some people on there that just abuse it and need to chill out..seriously
and if you dont have one cause you think its only for douches..well its not!
ok so i am a little sad at my itunes cause well like 5 months ago i crashed my computer and lost all my good music
so i had to start over from scratch and it pisses me off cause idk wat i had and wat i need to get
oh well i guess some is better than none right?
well i guess ive been fuckin up at home and shit but fuck it cause im havin too much fum outside of home :)
well i really think ive come into my own sorta with like livin life and partyin and just life in general
well except for havin the car part cause that shit is pissin me off that i cant jus drive places>:(
oh well this is the end of my rant cause i actually thought of something interestering to blog about..until next time
peace out muthafuckas:)
its just fun cause theres nutin better to do:)
ok so im one of those koo kids with a twitter, but there are some people on there that just abuse it and need to chill out..seriously
and if you dont have one cause you think its only for douches..well its not!
ok so i am a little sad at my itunes cause well like 5 months ago i crashed my computer and lost all my good music
so i had to start over from scratch and it pisses me off cause idk wat i had and wat i need to get
oh well i guess some is better than none right?
well i guess ive been fuckin up at home and shit but fuck it cause im havin too much fum outside of home :)
well i really think ive come into my own sorta with like livin life and partyin and just life in general
well except for havin the car part cause that shit is pissin me off that i cant jus drive places>:(
oh well this is the end of my rant cause i actually thought of something interestering to blog about..until next time
peace out muthafuckas:)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
the end is near:)
so as most of the people that actually read my blog are seniors this is one of the most important times ever!
skoo is almost over and we only have like 2 and a half more months til graduation
if you are a senior and your not graduatin this is all i have to say to you..DUMBASS
well for those of us that are graduatin congrats cause we fuckin put up wit this bullshit for wat..12 years!
now we are finally free from government funded education and we can finally start learnin:)
some of those graduating know wat they are gonna do next year..which is either go to pima or just start workin..now thats not bad but i mean its not great.
and there are those like myself who are goin to go to universities:)
now im not sayin its better but its different in soo many ways
well hope everyone has a really fun journey no matter wat they end up doin with their lives!
if you ever see someone from back in your highskoo days i encourage you to slow down and take the time to talk to them if its right then adn there or over lunch
cause thats wat life is about..makin new connections and reconnectin with those from the past
lets live it up while we can and live everyday as if its that one day you want to remember for the rest of your life:D
best of luck to all of you
skoo is almost over and we only have like 2 and a half more months til graduation
if you are a senior and your not graduatin this is all i have to say to you..DUMBASS
well for those of us that are graduatin congrats cause we fuckin put up wit this bullshit for wat..12 years!
now we are finally free from government funded education and we can finally start learnin:)
some of those graduating know wat they are gonna do next year..which is either go to pima or just start workin..now thats not bad but i mean its not great.
and there are those like myself who are goin to go to universities:)
now im not sayin its better but its different in soo many ways
well hope everyone has a really fun journey no matter wat they end up doin with their lives!
if you ever see someone from back in your highskoo days i encourage you to slow down and take the time to talk to them if its right then adn there or over lunch
cause thats wat life is about..makin new connections and reconnectin with those from the past
lets live it up while we can and live everyday as if its that one day you want to remember for the rest of your life:D
best of luck to all of you

march madness(not basketball)
ok so this weekend was super crazy
it all started on friday morning when i woke up super late cause we had to get to skoo but i still made it
sat through class which was super borin and then got out at 12 to set up for the tournament
well we started the tournament and that friday we went 1-2 but it was all good.
ths was still playin so i stayed to watch them and chris messed up his ankel again
felt bad for him
so i was just sittin there wit ale and korrin and when the game was over we went to buffalo wild wings and ate some bomb ass food, playin never have i ever, and met the craziest old white dude named rappin ron. this dude fuckin punked ricky, punked and hit on korrin that was hilarious
then i got home got in trouble the first time and passed out:) good night
so woke up and got ready for day 2 of the tournament
first we played ths and unfortunately we lost in the third game barely!!!!!!
we could have had them if our setter didnt suck so bad
oh well that day we went 2-1 so it was all goood
got home around 4 and me and ricky pretty much were dead
that nigga passed out so i just got on the computer
then we decided we were gonna go out so i took a shower and durin that time ricky and ale had some sexy time on skype :P on my computer hahahahahahaahahahaha
so we left and my mom was like be home at 12:30 so i was like koo
well we left and then went to dq to get some icecream..ale couldnt keep the icecream in her mouth so it ended up all over the place...oh and that stick is dumb:P
so we decided to go to ernies bp tournament
we kicked it there and hung out wit some of the niggas
then i had to leave and ricky had his ride home but i had to take ale home;)
dropped her off at 12:30 and didnt get home til 1:30:)
got home and got in trouble the sencond time...this time was worse
oh well it was totally worth it
kinda grounded i guess but fuck it im too good
got an hour lecture from my mom...nutin to me
passed out and woke up this morning and my eye was fuckin killin me!
hopefully today doesnt completely suck:P
it all started on friday morning when i woke up super late cause we had to get to skoo but i still made it
sat through class which was super borin and then got out at 12 to set up for the tournament
well we started the tournament and that friday we went 1-2 but it was all good.
ths was still playin so i stayed to watch them and chris messed up his ankel again
felt bad for him
so i was just sittin there wit ale and korrin and when the game was over we went to buffalo wild wings and ate some bomb ass food, playin never have i ever, and met the craziest old white dude named rappin ron. this dude fuckin punked ricky, punked and hit on korrin that was hilarious
then i got home got in trouble the first time and passed out:) good night
so woke up and got ready for day 2 of the tournament
first we played ths and unfortunately we lost in the third game barely!!!!!!
we could have had them if our setter didnt suck so bad
oh well that day we went 2-1 so it was all goood
got home around 4 and me and ricky pretty much were dead
that nigga passed out so i just got on the computer
then we decided we were gonna go out so i took a shower and durin that time ricky and ale had some sexy time on skype :P on my computer hahahahahahaahahahaha
so we left and my mom was like be home at 12:30 so i was like koo
well we left and then went to dq to get some icecream..ale couldnt keep the icecream in her mouth so it ended up all over the place...oh and that stick is dumb:P
so we decided to go to ernies bp tournament
we kicked it there and hung out wit some of the niggas
then i had to leave and ricky had his ride home but i had to take ale home;)
dropped her off at 12:30 and didnt get home til 1:30:)
got home and got in trouble the sencond time...this time was worse
oh well it was totally worth it
kinda grounded i guess but fuck it im too good
got an hour lecture from my mom...nutin to me
passed out and woke up this morning and my eye was fuckin killin me!
hopefully today doesnt completely suck:P
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Rodeo Break!
this has been the weirdest, best, awsomest break ever!!!
well i thought it wasnt gonna be so good cause we were supposed to go to disenyland on thusday but we ended up not being able to go!
anyways wednesday night i went to the movies wit ale and saw edge of darkness which was a really good movie(even if ale doesnt)
then woke up super fuckin early on thurday morning cause i had to park cars for the parade
it was hella hot during the parade so i saw pueblo and after ths i just left
got some money from that day:)
then that night was just gonna be a chill ass night kickin it wit the niggas
went to wing stop to plan out the night and catch up wit some niggas
so i thought i had to be home early so i wanted to go kinda early so the rest of them wouldnt complain
well we got to the party house around 9:30 and ricky broke a table
we kicked it until the party started and it was poppin
had to take care of ricky and we ended up leavin around 4 in the morning
so dropped off alex and made it to rickys at 5..didnt sleep
had practice at 1 on friday..still no sleep
got home and was txtin for a while and passed out at 8 then slept for 12 hours..
skipped all of friday:P
saturday went to look for a new car which turned into a disaster
then went to see the crazies wit the niggas and ale
shit was hella beast:)
so after we drove around tryin to find a party..unsuccessful
went back to ales and she made pancakes while we watched niggas on the tv
had some fun over there;)
woke up today and my parents had left witout me to go look at cars
came home and they wanna get me a fuckin drug dealer car! these people are crazy
well ive just been chillin today so we will see wat else happens:P
lookin forward to tuesday for our first game against marana..lets see if we can get this season off to a fuckin good start:)
hope to see all you there supporting or doin watever as long as you are there
thanks and i promise i will beast
well i thought it wasnt gonna be so good cause we were supposed to go to disenyland on thusday but we ended up not being able to go!
anyways wednesday night i went to the movies wit ale and saw edge of darkness which was a really good movie(even if ale doesnt)
then woke up super fuckin early on thurday morning cause i had to park cars for the parade
it was hella hot during the parade so i saw pueblo and after ths i just left
got some money from that day:)
then that night was just gonna be a chill ass night kickin it wit the niggas
went to wing stop to plan out the night and catch up wit some niggas
so i thought i had to be home early so i wanted to go kinda early so the rest of them wouldnt complain
well we got to the party house around 9:30 and ricky broke a table
we kicked it until the party started and it was poppin
had to take care of ricky and we ended up leavin around 4 in the morning
so dropped off alex and made it to rickys at 5..didnt sleep
had practice at 1 on friday..still no sleep
got home and was txtin for a while and passed out at 8 then slept for 12 hours..
skipped all of friday:P
saturday went to look for a new car which turned into a disaster
then went to see the crazies wit the niggas and ale
shit was hella beast:)
so after we drove around tryin to find a party..unsuccessful
went back to ales and she made pancakes while we watched niggas on the tv
had some fun over there;)
woke up today and my parents had left witout me to go look at cars
came home and they wanna get me a fuckin drug dealer car! these people are crazy
well ive just been chillin today so we will see wat else happens:P
lookin forward to tuesday for our first game against marana..lets see if we can get this season off to a fuckin good start:)
hope to see all you there supporting or doin watever as long as you are there
thanks and i promise i will beast
Saturday, February 27, 2010
my new life( by ale!)
so i know ive recently dedicated a few post to the best thing in the world, women. but now ive found a an even better thing to focus on, men. have anyone ever noticed how appealing it is when a big strong man slowly removes his shirt and the sweat slowly runs from his neck down his chest and abs until reaching places unthinkable. the point is i love men especially if theyre black. happy black history month
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
new season
well today we had our first volleyball scrimage
we played: THS, Rincon, Ironwood, PV, Cholla
i guess id have to say overall it was an ok experience but i dont really feel like it was
soo since there are only 3 returners from last year: me, pete, and patrick
i mean i think i played better than i did last year and so did patrick
i think pete is still playin like he did last year and he needs to step up
the thing that was frustratin me the most was the 3 new guys to varsity: george, gaspar, and baby soto
i mean all they do is mess around in practice and then today they literally just froze up
as soon as we walked into the gym george would not stop talkin about how nervous he was to be playin...thats not the kind of attitude you should have..especially as a setter, cause you have to carry the team
i mean yea i know that these guys have never played on varsity, but i mean im not about to step down to their level..they need to work their asses off and step up to our level.
i am really gonna give them hell at practice until they learn that this isnt JV anymore and this is the big boys court
well i know me and partick did pretty good today
finally playin outside too im soo happy about that:)
ive been waitin since sophmore year to play outside and finally got it
got quite a few kills today on some tall ass muthafuckas too
it was a fun first day for me(except the idiots pissin me off)
ohh thanks ale, korrin and krystal for going to watch us play
we played: THS, Rincon, Ironwood, PV, Cholla
i guess id have to say overall it was an ok experience but i dont really feel like it was
soo since there are only 3 returners from last year: me, pete, and patrick
i mean i think i played better than i did last year and so did patrick
i think pete is still playin like he did last year and he needs to step up
the thing that was frustratin me the most was the 3 new guys to varsity: george, gaspar, and baby soto
i mean all they do is mess around in practice and then today they literally just froze up
as soon as we walked into the gym george would not stop talkin about how nervous he was to be playin...thats not the kind of attitude you should have..especially as a setter, cause you have to carry the team
i mean yea i know that these guys have never played on varsity, but i mean im not about to step down to their level..they need to work their asses off and step up to our level.
i am really gonna give them hell at practice until they learn that this isnt JV anymore and this is the big boys court
well i know me and partick did pretty good today
finally playin outside too im soo happy about that:)
ive been waitin since sophmore year to play outside and finally got it
got quite a few kills today on some tall ass muthafuckas too
it was a fun first day for me(except the idiots pissin me off)
ohh thanks ale, korrin and krystal for going to watch us play
Sunday, February 21, 2010
ASU vs u of a !!
so today was a pretty good day
ASU played UofA today and came out victorious
the sad thing was that i was the only one wearin ASU shit in a house full of arizona fans..it was intense
i had to give all of them shit cause wat else was i gonna do
so i was super happy when ASU pulled through and won
im not sayin that UofA isnt good but ASU is better now:)
ASU played UofA today and came out victorious
the sad thing was that i was the only one wearin ASU shit in a house full of arizona fans..it was intense
i had to give all of them shit cause wat else was i gonna do
so i was super happy when ASU pulled through and won
im not sayin that UofA isnt good but ASU is better now:)

Monday, February 15, 2010
the other side of the pillow!
so if anyone really knows who i am..you think im that one guy thats always tryin to have a good time and tryin to be all koo and watnot
well yea thats true that, that is infact me:P
but the thing pretty much no one really knows is my super sensative side
soo here it goes cause i figure if youve been keepin up wit my blog or at least looked at it this one time you should know a little about me
well i guess im just one of those nice guys that you always here about but never see
yea its true thats me but its usually covered by some the asshole things i do or say in the pursuit of being koo
im serious though im like one of the nicest people you will ever meet
spend time wit me and think about everything i do but in great detail and you will realize that i am the nice guy i say i am
plus deep inside im like a little kid, except im not:P
like when it comes to girls, yea its true that most guys want the hottest girl (or bitch) they can get right?
well the same applies to me as well, but with one exception
thats not all im looking for.
i wish i could find a girl that would really just wanna be with me.
i mean i care about looks a little but the main thing i want is for her to be there for me cause im a needy person inside
like i soooo wish that there was someone out there to just hold me all the time..yea i know it sounds pretty gay but i like being held
lets see..i want a girl that will just sit there and play with my hair, listen to music with me, stare into the distance without sayin a word, holds hands with, just lay down together(not sexual but it is allowed), say cute things to me, just smile at me for no reason:), and do all the cute things that i wanna do.
yea i know its not all about me but if that one girl exists then i want her and im guessin if i find her then i will do everything i can to get her
i dont care if it takes me forever but i will find her
in this modern society that is controlled by sexual everything i find myself surprisingly not driven to find this girl by those standards...thats not to say that im against this sexual revolution cause its awsome, but if i find this girl it will be purely an innocent physical attraction with the beauty of her being and her personality that i will fall in love with.
the looks and everything else will come into play but wit completely different standards.
yea yea i know this is probably like the gayest or sweetest thing ever but i dont really care cause this is the way i really feel:)
this is the other side of me..its as koo as the other side of the pillow!!
well yea thats true that, that is infact me:P
but the thing pretty much no one really knows is my super sensative side
soo here it goes cause i figure if youve been keepin up wit my blog or at least looked at it this one time you should know a little about me
well i guess im just one of those nice guys that you always here about but never see
yea its true thats me but its usually covered by some the asshole things i do or say in the pursuit of being koo
im serious though im like one of the nicest people you will ever meet
spend time wit me and think about everything i do but in great detail and you will realize that i am the nice guy i say i am
plus deep inside im like a little kid, except im not:P
like when it comes to girls, yea its true that most guys want the hottest girl (or bitch) they can get right?
well the same applies to me as well, but with one exception
thats not all im looking for.
i wish i could find a girl that would really just wanna be with me.
i mean i care about looks a little but the main thing i want is for her to be there for me cause im a needy person inside
like i soooo wish that there was someone out there to just hold me all the time..yea i know it sounds pretty gay but i like being held
lets see..i want a girl that will just sit there and play with my hair, listen to music with me, stare into the distance without sayin a word, holds hands with, just lay down together(not sexual but it is allowed), say cute things to me, just smile at me for no reason:), and do all the cute things that i wanna do.
yea i know its not all about me but if that one girl exists then i want her and im guessin if i find her then i will do everything i can to get her
i dont care if it takes me forever but i will find her
in this modern society that is controlled by sexual everything i find myself surprisingly not driven to find this girl by those standards...thats not to say that im against this sexual revolution cause its awsome, but if i find this girl it will be purely an innocent physical attraction with the beauty of her being and her personality that i will fall in love with.
the looks and everything else will come into play but wit completely different standards.
yea yea i know this is probably like the gayest or sweetest thing ever but i dont really care cause this is the way i really feel:)
this is the other side of me..its as koo as the other side of the pillow!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010
valentine's day?
haha today was the most crazy funny valentines day ever and i didnt even have a date:P
so yea me ricky and ale kicked it today and it was pretty chill
we ate some fuckin bomb ass steak that my dad made and then we watched some crazy ass videos on youtube
some tourettes man, unforgivable, some mexican translated he-man, night rider, and dragonball z
soo yea today was hella fun
who needs love when you have friends?
well to all of you out there that didnt have anyone to hold you today like me...
so yea me ricky and ale kicked it today and it was pretty chill
we ate some fuckin bomb ass steak that my dad made and then we watched some crazy ass videos on youtube
some tourettes man, unforgivable, some mexican translated he-man, night rider, and dragonball z
soo yea today was hella fun
who needs love when you have friends?
well to all of you out there that didnt have anyone to hold you today like me...
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
something about them
well i know ive talked about this before but im gonna do it again
women are like the most complicated creatures ever fuckin made
like was god doin coke and drinkin hardcore when he made girls?? he had to be cause they are the shit and they are also the devil
haha women you know i love you but i still have to hate you
there are plenty of things women can do right like: cook, clean, have sex, give massages, look really good, tempt people, and thats about it
now there are plenty of things that women cant do like: drive, read, write, talk, have a say in anything, work, and pretty much anything a man does
haha i jokin but seriously women wats the deal?
how can pretty much the most beautiful thing be such a BITCH all the time?
yea you can always blame it on hormones or lady problems but i think there is a deeper meaning
like i know women get together and plot against guys to make us feel stuipd, worthless, and look like assholes.
see it only works sometimes until we figure out the little games you guys play
mothers train girls from an early age to dominate over boys, but we need to break this cycle now
men need to learn to control their women like in the old days.
and if worse comes to worse men have the ultimate weapon for fighting women who think they can control everything
thats right its called a penis!!!
see if a woman becomes pregnant then they are pretty much useless and thats how we deal wit problems
but on a serious note(because this whole post was pretty much just a big farce) i love women even though they can be manipulative bitches:)
the only thing i ask ladies is that you stop tryin to control us because when you do that we as men instinctively become the biggest asshole we can and then you go cryin that we are just like every other man when in reality we are and then you eventually become lesbian and kill the human race
be smart just have sex and keep humans alive:)
women are like the most complicated creatures ever fuckin made
like was god doin coke and drinkin hardcore when he made girls?? he had to be cause they are the shit and they are also the devil
haha women you know i love you but i still have to hate you
there are plenty of things women can do right like: cook, clean, have sex, give massages, look really good, tempt people, and thats about it
now there are plenty of things that women cant do like: drive, read, write, talk, have a say in anything, work, and pretty much anything a man does
haha i jokin but seriously women wats the deal?
how can pretty much the most beautiful thing be such a BITCH all the time?
yea you can always blame it on hormones or lady problems but i think there is a deeper meaning
like i know women get together and plot against guys to make us feel stuipd, worthless, and look like assholes.
see it only works sometimes until we figure out the little games you guys play
mothers train girls from an early age to dominate over boys, but we need to break this cycle now
men need to learn to control their women like in the old days.
and if worse comes to worse men have the ultimate weapon for fighting women who think they can control everything
thats right its called a penis!!!
see if a woman becomes pregnant then they are pretty much useless and thats how we deal wit problems
but on a serious note(because this whole post was pretty much just a big farce) i love women even though they can be manipulative bitches:)
the only thing i ask ladies is that you stop tryin to control us because when you do that we as men instinctively become the biggest asshole we can and then you go cryin that we are just like every other man when in reality we are and then you eventually become lesbian and kill the human race
be smart just have sex and keep humans alive:)

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